Chapter 46 - Here We Go

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Alex's P.o.v.

"Carl's gonna love it." Beth says. "I can't wait for him to see my hair." I say admiring the work Beth did earlier. He's been gone all day, it's night and he's still not back. Maybe Rick needed him. It's all quite as I put the kid's to sleep, but then we hear gunshots. "What's that?" Mika, one of the kids asks "It's nothing sweetie, go back to sleep."

Honestly, I don't know what it is. What if the Governor is attacking again? No, I doubt it!...I...I don't know. I was getting ready to freak out when the gunshots stopped. I take a deep breath as I calm down. The Governor wasn't attacking, Thank God!

I walk over to my little set up and get changed into a sweatshirt and shorts. I go and sit on one of the chairs by the kids, thats when Carl walks in with blood on him. "Why is there blood on you?" I ask standing up. Carl shakes his head "Its not mine, its walker blood." I sigh "But why walker blood? And why were there gunshots?" Carl hugs me since he hasnt seen me all day. "Walkers broke down one of the fences and got in, my dad and I took them down." I nod. Carl pulls away and looks at me. "I love your hair." he smiles "Well, thank you." I laugh. Carl grabs my hand and pulls me to our mattress. I lay down as he gets ready for bed. When hes done, he lays next to me. He kisses my lips as he pulls me close. "I love you." I say shutting my eyes "I love you too, always."

And those were the last words we said to eachother that night.

*Few weeks later*

Things have gotten crazy! Daryl went on a trip last week to get medicine for the sick ones. Now theres yelling that we can hear from where we are. Rick is telling him that he let Carol go. Carol killed Tyresses girlfriend who was ill, so Rick let her go.

Today, Im sneaking out with Michael to go find my sister. Carl dosent know,  I hate lying to him but he just dosent understand. I let Michael out a minute ago, hes waiting in the bathroom.  I grab my knife and put it in my pocket. "Babe, im going to the bathroom, i'll be back." I say kissing him. I walk out an run to the bathroom. "Did you get the bars on the window off?" I ask. "Yup, lets go." He says jumping down. I folow nd we go off to the woods.

Here we go.



~ madilyn

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