Chapter 75 - she left

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Jeongyeon observes the direction of the red string, the only building on that side is the dorm.


Trying to get past the sudden crowd, more students and families finished taking photos, they started to fill the corridor.

She squeezed herself all the way to the end of the corridor, her tears keep flowing probably from the younger.

[ 230 ]

Quickly tap tap the passcode, she opens the door wide and found no one inside. Fished out her phone from pocket to call her

The run and crying made her breathless.

dialing SN💜

. . .

No answer

*take a good look at the red string

{ A message from Oka-san }

'sayonara Jeongyeon-chan, we're leaving, If you have time, do visit us in Japan' :)

*take a good look at the red string again

she didn't come to the dorm...

she left from the gate,

- - -

[ Airport ]

Mrs.Mntzk wants to ask Sana why Jeongyeon didn't come to send them off, and Sana seems quiet today, she's still not prepared to leave Korea?

*Jeongyeon calling

Sana rejects it, her mom saw it.

"Sana-chan, is something bothering you?—"

"Nandemonai-yo, i'm fine Oka-san, i'm just sleepy" Sana closes her eyes and pretends to sleep.

"alright, we will wake you up when the boarding gate open"


How could you do this to me?
since the beginning you and Mina had something, right?

and now what?? you can see Mina's red string??

then what am i to you?

- - -

[ 230 ]

Mina comes as soon as she receives the call from the latter, only to find a drunk kid crying then chuckling then sobs again.

where did she get the soju?

Mina saw the opened fridge, it has some more unopened drinks, some food too.

"come on, i will take you home," Mina helped her up.

*hugs "don't leave me.. Sana-yahh, pleaseee.. listen to my explanation"

Mina cupped her cheeks, "pull yourself together! I'm not Sana, I'm your friend! Myoui—"

"listeenn pleasseee, i don't know why i could see Mina's red string.. believe me we're not soulmateeeee," *sniffs "you are, only Minatozaki Sana only youuu, no one elseee, Even in my dream you're my wifeeee, but Mina totally the opposite—

"opposite?" Mina frowned at that word.

Jeongyeon hummed and giddily nods many times in response, "i dreamt you dieddd.. and the one who did it was Mina, but dream is only imagination or hallucinationnn, right???"

I did what? Why would a friend dreamt about me killing her wife?

Jeongyeon held her arm again, looks very concerned, "Sana-yahhh, you're not angryyy anymoree, righhtt????"

Mina sighs and puts a hand on her shoulder, "you're drunk, jeongyeon-ah, wait a sec i will call a cab"

*ordered online

"i called a cab, let me help you," Mina pulled her up, supporting her to walk.

Jeongyeon leaned heavily at the younger, "did i- gained weightt? why am i so- heavy? wOW i'm heavy AF!"

Mina chuckles, "it's the drunk effect, ㅋㅋㅋ let's go"



[ cab ]

Mina carefully put the drunk kid without getting bumped to the car hood,

The driver takes a glance at them, "is your friend drunk? i don't want her to puke in my car, okay?? please be careful, when she showing sign don't hesitate to let me know"

"i will, thankyou, kisa-nim" Mina closes the door.

🎵 Korean Indie song


Jeongyeon dozes off, hugging Mina's arm while sleeping on her shoulder.

Mina texts her brother with one hand, sayin that she'll be home late. Put her phone back in the pocket, she caresses Jeongyeon's head, "i'm sorry.. jeongie"


[ Yoo's home ]

Seungyeon quickly runs to them and helps Mina to support Jeongyeon.

"Did you guys have much fun until Jeongyeon drunk like this? HAHAHA" Mr.Yoo laughing at her daughter, "look at you, kkkk"

Mrs. Yoo took a glance at the closed door, "Sana didn't come?"

"No, she didn't come, Mrs.Yoo" Mina starts to debate to herself whether she should lie or tell them the truth.

"Let's put this drunk Jeongie to the bed first," Seungyeon said,

thankyou, eonnie :')

[ JY's room ]

"mind to tell me what happened? since your face tells me otherwise" Seungyeon carefully asked her.

Mina innerly sighs, "it's complicated eonnie, they fought, and i partly blamed for it"

While Jeongyeon is still snoring, Mina tells her everything, Seungyeon try her best to see from her perspective, even though she doesn't know what 'cursed child' is, the only thing she knows is not having a red string after Mina explained.

Although It's still a mystery why Jeongyeon could see it, Seungyeon tells her to be optimistic rather than overthink about herself being the problem, it's clearly a misunderstanding.

"wOAH! I'm HoMEE!????" Jeongyeon woke up.

"wake up, pabo" Seungyeon take the glass of honey water at the bedside table, "drink this"

*gulp Jeongyeon smile like idiot, "mmm sweeeet" -v-

her idiot smile is too contagious and makes the other two smiled at the sight ツ

Mina stands up from the bed, "then i will go back ho—

Jeongyeon blindly holds Mina's arm, "don't leave meeee, sleep here, here!" she patted the empty space on her bed, "beside me"

"jeongyeon-ah, i'm—

"pleasee?" Jeongyeon pleaded while her eyes were still closed.

Seungyeon thinks for a while, "umm, I will explain to them, i do think she needs you, and really you all need to talk, so.. you can sleep here" she smiled and went to the cupboard, "go take a shower..." *takes a pyjama "this"

"gomawo eonnie," Mina slightly bowed her head and went to the bathroom.



A/N: sorry for taking too long for update

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