Chapter 38 - I'm just her friend

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It almost an hour and Jeongyeon haven't finished her shower, she does everything in very slow-motion, even though she doesn't wash her hair, but she needs to avoid water to touch her medication.

Sana bored herself after she scrolled the feeds to the end, She walks to the bathroom and place her ear at the door. Didn't hear any water flowing sound.

"Hey, can you handle yourse-"

(door open) Sana almost fall inside.

"Yeah, I can handle it myself -- what are you doing just now? eavesdropping me taking shower?" Jeongyeon standing in front of her, holding the doorknob.

"Of course not! I'm not that pervert okay?" Sana frowns.

"To hear that from someone who took away my first kiss, kinda surprise me," Jeongyeon smirked.

"That is my first kiss too!!" Sana starts to pout.

"WuOoh, more surprise~" Jeongyeon said teasingly.


"ㅋㅋㅋ, excuse me? you're blocking the way, I couldn't get out from here" Jeongyeon giggles.

Sana awkwardly laughs and go to the living room to unpack the dinner bought by Mina, there are two boxes of mashed food.

"what is this?" Sana looking at the food.

"Not a mashed potato?"

"I don't think so"

Jeongyeon eats a spoonful of it, "it's sweet potato mash, mmm, and cauliflower?"

Sana starts to eat too, "Nyum, taste good, where did she buy this?"

"you could ask her tomorrow," said Jeongyeon between her munch.

"by the way, don't forget to eat your med after this,"

"yes, ma' am"





Mina lied about having something else to do, she planned to stay at her friend's room all night. She is worried about Jeongyeon, she knows well, that kind of bruise is very painful.

Before going to 230, she went to an Italian Korea restaurant to buy dinner for them, specially ordered a soft type of food. Then went to a pharmacy near the campus to buy some med to ease the bruise pain.

( "I kissed her just now" )

Sana's voice echoing in her mind. Mina starts to blush when she thinks back the face Jeongyeon have just now.

Didn't know you could make those kinds of face,

Kissing despite those conditions, I guess the bruise doesn't hurt, Huh?

Mina pulls a chair and turn on her laptop, wear her gaming headset, run the counter strike game, and play it, distracting herself.

Jeongyeon soulmate is Sana,
They are soulmates,

I am nobody else, I'm just her friend.





The 230 roommates finished their dinner, the one bought by Mina. They relax for a while after filling their stomach with the soft dinner, leaving the food box unbothered on the table.

"Jeongyeon-ah, take your med," Sana walked past behind the couch.

"I will drink it in few minutes," Jeongyeon plays her phone on the couch.

"When I finished my shower and if you haven't taken the med, you'll be done" Sana teasingly threatens her while taking her pyjamas and a towel from the cabinet.

"uuu, so scary," said Jeongyeon playfully.

"I really gonna beat your ass,"

"ㅋㅋㅋ, I'm scared" Jeongyeon grinned while typing on her phone.

Sana glared for seconds yet laughing by herself before going inside the bathroom. Jeongyeon sent a message to her friend before taking the med and gulp a glass of water.


thanks for the food! ( ' ▽ ' )ノ

ur welcome
GWS! (*'・v・)

anyway, sorry about earlier,
Sana is just joking around

don't believe her

okay Jeong, have a good rest
I gotta go, Bye!

you too ^‿^


Mina never lose the game in every match, even though sometimes she got a really noob teammates, she still could carry the team and win it. She is a PRO.

She AFK her game just to reply Jeongyeon message, end up getting her character killed by the enemy and her teammates couldn't do without her then her team lost the match. Didn't care much about the game, she keeps reading the message from Jeongyeon after she lied about going somewhere and end their conversation.

So they didn't... kiss?

but her face is red like that? and she panicked, and... choked her coffee,

Get yourself together Mina!

I have no right to get jealous... I'm a cursed child, born without a soulmate, this life is a punishment for me, so this feeling must be the punishment I get.

Jeongyeon soulmate is Sana, They are soulmates,

I am nobody else, I'm just her friend.

Keeps repeating the last phrase in her mind, convincing herself through those words even though it does sting a bit in her chest.

'I am nobody else, I'm just her friend'

'I am nobody else, I'm just her friend'

'I am nobody else, I'm just her friend!!'

This feeling will fade away...

She clicks the find match, playing another match, distracting herself again.



Please give your best support for them in Singapore TwiceLights this Saturday💚

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