Chapter 32 - Sistah

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"Eonnie, Where are you?" Jeongyeon talking to her phone.

"Just go up to the third floor, There is a western restaurant near the escalator, I'm there"

"Ooh, We are currently on the third floor, okay I saw it"

"You could see me when you enter-


Coincidentally, It was the same restaurant where the three of them had their lunch a few weeks ago.

They really look alike, both are beautiful AF, beauty in DNA? 
Her sister also wear that 유 bracelet 

Sana and Mina bowed, "Hello Jeongyeon's eonnie"

"Your friends are so polite, Not like you" Seungyeon teased.

"Ne Nee," Jeongyeon bowed, "Hello eonnie, Long time no see, Your day must be so boring right?"

"ㅋㅋㅋ" Everybody laughed at Jeongyeon.

Jeongyeon grinned, "Okay, This is my sister Yoo SeungYeon, And eonnie this is my friends Sana and Mina"

"Enough with those lousy introductions, Hahah, Anyway, your face is kinda red, Are you sick? Seungyeon asked.

Mina puzzled as everyone eyes on her, "Me?"

"She drinks a whole bottle of soju yesterday" Jeongyeon answered for Mina, "This one just a few sips but collapsed" Jeongyeon teasingly pointed at Sana.

"How about you?" Seungyeon attacked Jeongyeon.

"Only 1 cup tho, I'm sober for the whole night"

"Hehehe" An evil laugh heard from Seungyeon.

Jeongyeon realized something embarrassing, "Ssssh" and make a 'Please don't say it' face. and immediately change the topic, "Let's order first"

"ㅋㅋㅋ" Seungyeon browsing the menu, "I do recommend Salmon Steak"

"But last time when we visit here, We all ate salmon steak," Sana said.

"But people said it's good for hangover"

"Ooohh" Sana smiled and turns her head to Jeongyeon.

Oops, Busted

Jeongyeon looks away pretending not knowing anything.

Sana smiled when she realized Jeongyeon actually care about her that day, "Kay then, I will order Salmon steak"

Mina teasingly asks, "Seungyeon eonnie, "How about the drinks for a hangover? Do you know?"

"Minaa!" Jeongyeon whispered, and made 'What are you doing!?' face.

"Umm, I don't really remember, But you will need to request, because they don't have it on the menu" "It was like a mix of oranges, beetroot, something, something, Hmm lemon, and little bit ginger or rosemary" "But the most simple and easiest to remember is Banana and Honey juice" Seungyeon said like a hangover master.

Sana already smiling like an idiot after Seungyeon said all those things.

OhmyGod Minaaaaa...

Jeongyeon is embarrassed and annoyed.

Mina had fun teasing her best friend.

Seungyeon saw the weird face her sister made, "What's wrong with you?"

"No-nothing" Jeongyeon and Sana stuttered the same words at the same time.

Shocked, Both of them look at each other in the eyes, which made their blood rushed to their cheeks. And they broke the eye-contact in seconds.

Jeongyeon let out an awkward laugh, "Ahahaha, Why don't we order now?"

Seungyeon noticed something fishy, What's wrong with these two?




[while eating]

Seungyeon break the ice, "There is once Jeongyeon get drunk"

"Eonnie!" Jeongyeon turns her head.

"She hugged everyone in the room even though my boyfriend was there"


Mina and Sana already grinning at Jeongyeon rare whining.

"The worst part is, she mistaken my boyfriend as me then she kissed him on his cheeks and said 'Saranghae Eonnie'"

"What The Hecc! Yoo Seung Yeon!" Jeongyeon facepalm.

"After that incident, No one allows Jeongyeon to drink anymore"

Jeongyeon sighed as frustrated, "Oh my God, sis, Why you..." She still covers her face from embarrassment.

"Ahahahah, That was SO funny" Mina laughed.

"ㅋㅋㅋ" Sana let out a small laugh and her mind replayed the scene where she got cornered by Jeongyeon, which made her blushing while eating the salmon steak.

Jeongyeon is weird, sometimes she could be very bold but other times she could be a very shy person, THere is so much Difference! Is she some kind of BiPolar!?




[After several hours of eating and chit-chat]

"Bye Mina, Bye Sana, Good luck on your study ahead" "Can I borrow your Jeongyeon?" Seungyeon asked Sana.

Sana puzzled, "My Jeongyeon?"

"Umm, Can you guys go back first?" Jeongyeon cuts the convo.

"Okay then" Mina and Sana waved their hand

"Bye, see you tomorrow Mina" Jeongyeon waved back.

"Me?" Sana pointing herself.

"Yayaya, See you Sana" Jeongyeon hiding her smile before she went off.

When they are gone, Seungyeon talk to her sister in private, "Jeongyeon tell me,"

"Tell you what?"

"Mina the brown haired girl is your soulmates right?"

"You got it wrong, her name is Sana," "Mina is the one who keeps annoys me, last time we came here, Sana is the one who looks like a tomato, so I ordered her a salmon steak and requested a juice, Sana doesn't know anything, But now she knows"

"Wah, youngster nowadays like drinking huh? Hahah, never thought you could be that cute, doing everything for your loved ones" Seungyeon teased her.

"Tss, I remember there is one day when you wake up at 5 AM just to cook breakfast for your beloved boyfriend" said Jeongyeon.

"So what?"

"So it's the 'Same' thing, eonnie"

"Ooh, You guys started dating already?"


"Then it's different"

"Same..." Jeongyeon doesn't know how to attack back.

"By the way, when will both of you dating officially, I really really want to tell mom and dad"

"I'm not sure when, But things will happen if it bounded to happen, so i will just flow with it,"

"Tss, anyway why do I feel Mina likes you too?" Seungyeon asked her.

Jeongyeon eyes widened, "Mina? Likes me?" "What are you talking about? She is my friend"

Seungyeon chuckles and pat her shoulders, "Just a feeling, don't take it seriously,"



A/N: got exam, No update for few weeks, sorry

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