Chapter Eighteen

Începe de la început

"Hey, Emery. I knew I recognized you." He said with a smile.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm apart of one of the gangs here. We're both each other's alliances." He replied.

"That's nice but do you need something?" I asked.

"I came to apologize for the things my father did to you." He said and I looked down.

"Emery, the reason I didn't tell anybody was because my father threatened to tell my mom that I was selling drugs and they were gonna disown me." He said.

"I couldn't deal with that so I kept my mouth shut but I really wished I didn't allow fear to control me. I really wanted to be a brother to you but I was told to not speak to you unless it was something I needed."

"When you first came to our home, I wanted to welcome you into warm arms and show you that I wanted to be your brother but my father was against it. I moved out a year after you left. I couldn't stand to look at my father after knowing what he did to you."

"I'm so sorry I didn't do anything. I wish we would've gotten to know each other, that way I could've been a better brother to you." He said. I smiled.

I didn't know Adam wanted to be my brother. I thought he hated me. I'm glad he escaped from his father's grasp.

"I forgive you, Adam and I would love for us to build a sibling relationship." I said and he smiled.

"Thank you so much, Emery." He said. He bends down and hugs me. Once we pull away, he kisses my cheek.

He hands me a paper.

"Here's my number." He said. "Don't forget to call if you need anything." I smiled.

Nessa asked who Adam was and I explained to her about everything. She smiled and we continued dancing.


Is this what she does now?

She's mad at me so she decides to talk to another dude and let her kiss her on the cheek? And she gave her his number.

She's definitely not getting a phone anytime soon.

"Man, don't trip about that. It could be nothing." Axel says from behind me.

"You don't know that, Ax." I said.

"I do know that Em is a nice girl, and even though she's pissed at you, she wouldn't do anything like that to hurt you." He said.

"Yeah, whatever." I say and continue to gaze at her with anger in my eyes, while she dances with Nessa.

I'm so angry right now, I could drag her upstairs and beat the living shit out of her.

Wait, why am I thinking like this? I can't. She's my girlfriend and it doesn't matter how angry I am, I pledged to never hurt her again.

I took a swift of wine from my champagne glass and continue to watch her.


The party was soon over. I felt sad knowing that Nessa will be leaving. If only she took me with her.

She promised that she and Axel would come by since they're back home. She also gave me her number. I smiled.

Once everybody was out of the house and the maids were cleaning, I walked upstairs.

I walked in the room and saw James sitting on the bed, he looked up at me, anger in his eyes. He shouldn't be mad at me, I'm the one that should be mad.

I ignored his gaze and walked over to our dresser taking off my jewelry.

I felt his presence behind me and I froze.

"Who was that guy?" He asked. He's talking about Adam. I'm still mad at him so I reply with a sassy answer, well question.

"Who's Violet?" I turned around and looked up at him.

"You getting bold now?" He asked chuckling.

"You're a liar." I said still looking up at him.

"I can make you scared of me just like how you were when you first came here." He said. "Don't get me to that limit."

"You wouldn't hurt me." I said.

"Try me. I will if you don't answer my question." He says and I feel a bit scared.

"Who... the fuck... was that guy? And why did he give you his phone number?" He asked once more.

I ignored his question and turned back around.

He grabbed me and pushed me harshly back into the wall. I yelled at the pain.

"Haven't felt a familiar pain like this huh?" He asked and I look up at him, now full with fear.

His once bright green eyes, now dark.

"Scared now huh?" He asked. "What happened to the bold Emery huh?" He was squeezing my wrist hard.

"James, you're hurting me." I said, tears falling down my eyes.

"Does it look like I give a fuck?" He asks and chuckles. I need to get out of head before he hurts me bad.

I use all of my strength in me and push him off of me, making him fall on the floor. I sprinted out of the room.

"YOU BITCH! ANSWER MY FUCKING QUESTION!" I hear him scream behind me.

I ran into the nearest guest room and lock the door. I realize there was a key in here so he couldn't get in.

"FUCK!" I heard him yell. He then started banging on the door.

"Emery, you better open this fucking door!" He yelled.

"No! Leave me the hell alone!" I yelled back, which only made him angrier.

I ran into the bathroom and locked myself in. I slid down to the floor, covering my ears as he kept yelling. I started to sob.

The yelling soon stopped but I continued to cry. He was gonna hurt me. I know he was gonna hurt me.

I felt tired and I laid on the cold bathroom floor. Hiccups leaving my mouth from sobbing too hard. I closed my eyes drifting off to sleep.

Mmm... and just when I thought James was changing his ways

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