On the Hilltop

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Liam rested against the wall, nearby the elevator. He just finished getting ready to go out, so he just planned to go down a bit earlier. Just when he was about to close his eyes for a bit, he heard the elevator doors open. "Hey Liam! So where do we go?" Tiana asked as she walked out the elevator doors. "What? I choose where to go?" Liam asked while pointing to himself. "Mhm." she says while nodding her head. "But, this was all so sudden. How would I know where to go?" Liam asked in a panicky tone. Tiana shrugged. "There's no need for schedules...just think of the first place you wanna go to." Tiana suggested.

Liam snapped his fingers. "I've got just the place." "Really?" Tiana asked in disbelief. Liam sighed and pushed her out of the entrance of the complex. "Let's just go already..." he trailed off. She laughed as she was pushed out the doors.

They headed towards a car, parked by the side of the road. "Isn't that Louis' car?" Tiana asked in confusion. "Yup," Liam answered. "I told him that we were gonna take a cab, then he shoved me his keys and said something about how cabs are not that ideal to ride for dates."Tiana got shocked at the last word Liam said. "Date? But this isn't a date...it's a...well, it's..." she trailed off as she thought of something to say. "An outing?" Liam asked. Tiana smiled and nodded. "Exactly! Just an outing...nothing more." she mumbled the last part to herself, a bit disappointed.

She did want it to be date, but Liam was her friend...and he probably thought the same thing about her. Just friends. She sighed at the thought, shrugging it off. She wasn't supposed to think like that. That day was her day with him, an entire day spent, just to bond with Liam.She's only been back in London for how many days, yet she started liking Liam more and more. Up to the point where she'd smile at everything he does. It wasn't because he looked hilarious, it was something else..."So," Liam said, rubbing his hands together. "Let's get this show on the road, yeah?" Tiana snapped out of her thoughts. "Let's go then!"

Tiana was about to open the car door to the passenger seat, then Liam went ahead of her and opened the door for her. Tiana looked at Liam, a bit surprised by his action. He simply smiled, so she smiled back as a thank you. Tiana closed the door. She was thinking about Liam's brown eyes...they were so full of care, sincerity, and kindness. They were full of...love.

Wait a minute.

Love? Did Tiana observe that correctly? His eyes were full of love? Before she could go any deeper into her thoughts, Liam opened the door to the driver's seat and got in. When he shut the door, he noticed Tiana's confused expression. "You okay?" he asked, concerned. "Hm? Yeah. I'm fine...I was just thinking about something."

"What was it?" he asked curiously as he put the key in the ignition switch. Tiana shook her head and smiled. "Nothing important...so where are we going again?" Liam smiled. "That's for me to know and for you to find out." Tiana frowned. "What?! But I don't like surprises!" "Well, this whole day's schedule was a surprise from you." Liam debated.

Tiana sighed and said, "Touché..." Liam smiled victoriously and switched the engine on with the turn of the key. It was a bit of a long drive to where Liam wanted to go to. From the busy city, they drove to a quieter place...a bit more rural. Grassy hills and quiet peace. Just peace. It was beautiful, some trees were scattered across the grassy area, along with flowers and bushes.

Liam parked the car on the side of the wide road. He got out of the car to open the door for Tiana. When she got out of the car, she shut the door and took a deep breath of the fresh air. It was nice to hear chirping birds and the soft whistle of the wind and not cars honking or roaring engines.

"This place is so...peaceful." she turned around to face Liam. He put his hands in his pockets and sighed happily. "I actually found this place by accident. I was on my way to my parents' house, then I got a flat tire here. When I came out of the car to replace the tire, I noticed how quiet it was. It's a good place to think about things or get away from it all. Ever since then, I came here as much as I could...which is very rare nowadays." he explained as he looked around with a upset face.

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