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When they reached the flat, Zayn and Tiana entered the living room, laughing. Liam, still upset about Zayn taking Tiana out, saw them laughing. "What's so funny?" Liam asked. "Nothing, it's just that, a girl saw Zayn and yelled-" "'OHMYGOD! You look jut like Zayn! Can I take a picture with you?!'" Zayn mimicked. "That girl had no idea! And I took the picture...on MY phone. Oh my god, I cannot wait to tweet this...she even told me her Twitter name! She deserves a follow..." "I get's really funny." Liam said before smiling his most convincing smile.

"Okay then...hey Liam, is Ali back?" Tiana wondered. "Actually, no. Harry and Alison are still out." "Out where exactly?" Louis asked. "Galvin La Chapelle." as soon as Liam said this, he covered his mouth. "What? Are you telling me, my little sister, is out, with Harry, IN A ROMANTIC RESTAURANT?" Louis questioned angrily. "Yeah...don't worry Louis, I told them to go." Liam assured him.

"Uhhh..." Tiana trailed off. "I think we should go away...we're not part of this..." Zayn whispered to Tiana while pushing her into her room before going into his.

"WHY?" "BECAUSE! It'd be a waste of a reservation! I reserved that for me and someone else, but that someone else cancelled." Liam diclosed as he looked down at the floor. Louis frowned. "You're not talking about..." He looked at the guests' room, where Tiana was. Liam nodded.

"Yes her. But it was only because I wanted to take her out since she hasn't been here in a while...I never knew it was romantic there! Honest!..Well I didn't know until Alison told me. I gave the reservation to Harry, but he wasn't sure who to go with. Then he asked Alison to go with him, since it looked like she's always wanted to go there." Liam explaned.

"...Why'd you do this to me Liam...Galvin La Chapelle? Of ALL places, and with Harry, too! I can't- I can't let this happen..." "I'm sorry to rain on your parade, but they've been out for a while." Louis got frustrated. 'It always starts out somewhwere romantic...' he thought. "I-i need to leave. When I get back, my sister and Harry should be there, on that couch, doing NOTHING." Louis ordered before leaving the flat.


It's short but, uh-oh what's getting Louis so worked up?

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