In The Airport

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As Tiana and Alison walked into the airport, Alison frowned slightly as she recalled a certain memory. Tiana saw this frown and put her hand on Alison's shoulder. "You all right there Ali?" she asked in concern. Alison showed her a reassuring smile. "Yeah, just remembering the last time we were here, that's all." she answered. Tiana sighed. "Ali, leave the past where it belongs. We went here to leave for New York University last year. That's all you should remember." Tiana told her.

Alison sighed and walked towards the waiting area, where they both took a seat. "It's hard, that's all I'm saying. This was where I last saw Louis. People can change a lot in a year...I don't know what I'd do if he ever changed." "Wait," Tiana began. "Why did he leave you? I mean, I was waiting for you by the gate, I just saw you two talking and he ran off, what happened?" she asked. "Might be because he's busy with his career. He just told me he needed to go somewhere...I seriously cannot believe I'll be seeing him today." Alison admitted.

"Well, you'll be seeing your brother again and that's all that matters. Try and smile a bit when you see him, okay?" Tiana asked. Alison responded with a nod.

Meanwhile, on his way to the airport was Alison's brother Louis, along with his friends slash band mates. "I don't understand. So you want us to be there when you pick up your sister?" Harry asked, still confused about what he heard. In the driver's seat, Louis nodded. "But why? Shouldn't this be a family-only thing?" Harry questioned. "Well, you boys are family to me now. I just want you to get to know her now before we bring her into the complex." Louis answered.

"Louis, I'm glad you consider us family and wanted to bring us here to meet Alison, but we're all so tired, we just came back from recording in the's tiring enough to work late nights there. I would've been fine staying home." Zayn stated. "That's no way to support Louis in seeing his sister again. And give him a break, would you, he didn't have a good year last year. Right, Louis?" Harry asked.

"Y-yeah. Can we not talk about that, please?" Louis whispered to Harry. He simply nodded in understanding and shot Louis an apologetic look. Louis smiled to let Harry know he was forgiven and Harry smiled back. "All right, here's our deal. You better take it or leave it...but you don't actually have a choice since I already dragged you here with me. We pick up my sister then we go back to the flat. Is that a deal?" Louis asked with a raised brow, looking into the rear-view mirror to watch Zayn. Before he spoke, someone else protested. "Louis, can we get something to eat first? I'm really hungry, I missed lunch today." Niall informed him.

"Niall, I don't want to sound uncaring, but I'd like to get my sister first before doing anything else. We can get something to eat afterwards." Louis responded. "Fine..." Niall sighed as he looked out the window, knowing he wouldn't win in this argument. "Hey Louis, if Alison's going to be in the car with us, where will her luggage be put?" Liam wondered. "At the back, Liam. The car isn't small." he said matter-of-factly. "Louis, the car isn't as big as you think; it could barely fit 7 people!" Liam exclaimed. "All right, all right. I guess we should just hail a cab for her luggage, then." Louis answered. "Oh, okay then." Liam stated.

"Louis, should I stay at the back later?" Harry asked. Louis was struck by his question. "And why would you do that?" Louis wondered."Well, you'd be talking a lot with Alison, wouldn't you? I mean, it wouldn't be that convenient if she was at the back." Harry explained. Louis smiled. "I don't mind if you stay here beside, Harry. Alison can stay behind my seat and talk my ear off there." he reassured him. "You don't have to stay at the back if you don't want to." Louis added with a smile.

Niall's eyes widened. "But that means she'll take my- ow!" he exclaimed as he hit his head behind Louis' seat while the car stopped. "Why'd we stop?" Niall asked as he rubbed his forehead to try to ease the pain. Louis looked at Niall through the rearview mirror and smiled. "We're here." he informed him.

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