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The next morning, Tiana quietly made her way out of her hotel room and tiptoed down the hallway to head to the lift. By the time she reached the lobby, she sighed with relief in knowing she wasn't caught sneaking out. "Tiana?"...or so she thought. She turned around and saw Liam. "Oh hey! What are you doing up so early?" she asked with a smile. "I just woke up early and felt good about today. I could ask you the same thing..." he trailed off. "...No reason, really. I just wanted to take an early morning stroll around Central Park. It's not that far, just a bus ride away." she answered.

Liam's face lit up like a child's on Christmas day. "Central Park? The one with the zoo?" he asked eagerly. "Yeah, it's the only Central Park there is." she answered with a laugh. "Can I come with you? I've always wanted to go, but I never had the time to!" he pleaded. Tiana gave in and smiled. "All right, but you better make sure you don't go running off somewhere. The last thing I need is you getting lost in Central Park." she lectured. Liam flashed a wide smile. "I won't run off, I promise." he said as he raised his hand, as if taking an oath. "C'mon, we'll miss the bus if we wait around here!" she exclaimed as she pulled Liam out of the hotel towards the bus stop.

"So have you ever taken a bus in New York?" Tiana asked as she craned her neck to see if the bus was coming. "Um...does a tour bus count?" Liam wondered. Tiana looked at Liam in puzzled shock and realised he didn't have the time to appreciate mediocre activities anymore because of his career. "All right, you need to experience a few things here to actually appreciate New York." she decided.

Tiana hopped on the bus and Liam followed suit. They ventured inside the bus to look for a seat; luckily, since it was early in the morning, the bus wasn't that crowded, but they both chose to sit in the near back of the bus. "I'm liking this. It has a different feel from buses back home, but it's not bad different." Liam stated. Tiana smiled. "Well it's nice to see you enjoying this small trip, but the bus isn't what we're here for." she reminded him. Liam laughed lightly. "I know that, I just never been on this bus before. I like trying out new things," he smiled and looked out the window. "Even if it is just riding some foreign bus." he finished.

"I guess that means you're going to love Central Park; and a day here might even get you used to riding buses like these." she responded. "I look forward to it." he beamed. As he said this, the bus slowly came to a stop. "We're here already?" he questioned. Tiana responded with a nod. "C'mon," she began as she stood up and stretched out her hand towards Liam. "Let's go walk around." Liam smiled as he reached for her hand. Tiana helped him up and they got off the bus.

It took sometime for them to actually enter the park because Liam was still taking it all in. "It's so big. This must be one of the biggest parks I've ever been to." Liam stated. "Beautiful isn't it?" Tiana asked in admiration. Liam looked at Tiana for a few seconds before returning his attention to the park. "Absolutely." he responded. Without a word, Liam walked into the park and disappeared into the moving crowd of people.  

Alerted, Tiana ran inside and started to panic. "Liam?" she called out. No response. She didn't want to risk catching anyone's attention, so she didn't call him out again. At this point, she was completely worried. Her first thought was to call him, but she doesn't have his number. Frustrated, she ran her hand through her hair as she looked around.

When she turned around once more, she felt someone's hands cover her eyes. Of course being as panicked as she was, she stomped on the person's foot. "Oh god, that is painful.." the person groaned. Tiana turned around and saw Liam bending down, holding onto his foot. "Liam?! I-i'm so sorry! I thought you were some stranger...are you okay?" Tiana asked as she patted his back. Liam straightened his posture and nodded. "...Yeah, I'm all right." he stated before clearing his throat.

"That's some stomp you've got." he commented with a smile. "Thanks I guess. Listen, I'm terribly sorry about that. Are you sure you don't wanna go back to the hotel and rest that?" Liam shook his head. "No, it's fine, I'm fine." he assured her. "Tsk, I told you not to run off like that." Tiana lectured. Liam smiled. "I didn't run, I walked." he countered. "Don't get smart with me, if you keep this up, we won't go to the zoo." Tiana told him.

"Won't go? But why? It's a zoo! The Central Park Zoo to be exact. Come on, you and I both know we have to go there." he stated. "Well, I can go whenever I come back. So I don't really have to go now..." she trailed off. "Tia, please. I might not have time to go here again! Do it for me. It's my birthday tomorrow anyway. What if we go home on that day?" he questions.

Tiana smiled in knowing they'd leave the day after tomorrow and decided to play along with this charade. "Alright, I'll go with you. For your almost birthday." she decided. Liam smiled and, with Tiana's hand in his, ran towards the nearby zoo.

Hours later, after checking out the zoo, the headed towards the pond. But before they could reach it, Tiana's phone rang. "Hello?" she answered. "Tiana! Where are you? And where's Liam?! Have you realised you've been out nearly the entire day? It's three o' clock!" Alison pointed out. "Three o' clock? That can't be, I've only been here for a couple of hours." Tiana argued. "Well no, you haven't you've been out longer than that. You were supposed be back here in the hotel three hours ago!" Alison exclaimed on the other line. "Oops...well I'm sorry I didn't keep track of time, I didn't mean to be out this long. " Tiana apologised.

"Tia, that's not-" there were muffled sounds on the phone before Louis' voice was heard. "Listen here Tiana. Not only have we realised you're missing, but so is Liam. We're assuming he's with you. He's with you right?" he asked. "Yeah. We're in Central Park." she responded.

"All right. In a few hours, we'll be going to a restaurant for an early dinner for Liam. He needs to be there so it would be great if you make your way to the hotel now. Thank you!" Louis instructed. Without another word, he hung up the phone. "Sheesh, he still hasn't lost his sass." Tiana commented after she kept her phone. "Was that Louis?" Liam guessed. Tiana nodded. "Yeah. Long story short, he really wants us to head back to the hotel." she informed him. Liam sighed. "It's fine. Thanks for this, the zoo was great." he said. Tiana smiled. "Not a problem." she responded.

The two hurried up and made their way to the hotel. When they ran up to their rooms, they were told to dress up formally. Later, they all rushed to the place Louis made reservations in. But when they arrived, they saw some fans crowd in front of the restaurant. "...that's not possible. How'd they find out they weren't supposed to find out about this someone please tell me what's going on I thought the management didn't announce anything!" Louis stammered as he looked out the black-tinted window of the car.

"Oops, I think I tweeted something..." Niall trailed off, unsure. "What?!" Louis questioned. "I was only talking to a friend! A fan probably saw our conversation." Niall stated. Louis sighed. "Okay, let's just forget it and make our way in..." he ordered. As he said, everyone stepped out of the car careful not to answer anything the press was asking. The boys stopped a few times to sign things and have a short chat with fans before making their way into the restaurant.

"Louis, are you keeping a secret girlfriend from us?" One of the paparazzi asked. Louis ignored him and kept walking. "Your sister Alison is dating Harry, did you know that?" the paparazzi asked, desperate for his attention. Louis froze for a moment at the mention of Alison. He wanted to smack the man's face for trying to get his little sister involved with false stories, but he started walking again in knowing it'll be messy if he started a fight.

Finally after what seemed like hours, they entered the restaurant and were lead to their reserved seats. Later, after they were through with dinner, Niall tapped his glass with a fork. " 'Scuse me everyone. I'd just like to say, the two days I've spent with you all here were incredible. And Liam, this trip wasn't for any of us. It was just for you. Happy early birthday, Li!" Niall exclaimed. "What? No way!" Liam said in disbelief.

"It's all true, Liam! We got this reservation as an early birthday dinner." Louis explained. "We tried our best to keep the trip a secret so that no one would bother you, but they found out anyway...sorry 'bout that." Niall apologised. Liam gave Niall a hug. "That's all right, Nialler. This entire trip was a great gift already." he stated.

They spent the rest of the night in their hotel rooms; some of them were asleep while others were wide awake because of their thoughts. Louis was one of those sleepless people, he just couldn't get over what the paparazzi told him. At that point, he was beginning to wonder if Eleanor was wrong, that there was no possible way to stop a heartbreak from happening. He believed that he needed to keep Alison and Harry away from each other.

He believed that was the right thing to do.


OMG 2,200 reads  WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS. oh, btw, for TWFanmily members, we'll post a story about Jay soon! It'd be lovely if you look out for it! Thank you so much for the reads! We never knew it could go this far...

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