An Eventful Morning

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Tiana slept soundly until she heard muffled noises. When she was half-awake, she finally made sense of them.

"Should we wake her up?" a guy asked. "Of course! She's been sleeping for nine hours. Ten in twenty minutes." 'That voice sounded like Ali...' Tiana thought. 

She felt herself getting shaken by someone. "Tiana, wake up! You might miss breakfast! Alison cooked bacon!" a thumping sound occurred afterwards. "Ow ow ow...what was THAT for?!" "I don't know how to cook, you idiot!" "Well she didn't know that! I mean Harry could've taught you! Great job, genius..." "Ugh, you're such a pain sometimes! I didn't come back here to fight with you, Lou!" "Shh! You'll wake her up!" "THAT'S THE POINT."

Tiana had enough of the bickering so she opened her eyes, still lying in bed. "Tiana!" Louis and Alison yelled in unison. "You guys are just so noisy all the time, huh? What, does it run in the family to be that loud?" Tiana asked as she stood up from bed. Louis looked down at the floor and Alison smiled guiltily. "Sorry," the siblings mumbled in unison.

" guys have bacon?" she asked. "Yeah, we always make sure the fridge is full of food. Why the sudden interest in our bacon stock?" Louis wondered. "Because, I'm gonna make you guys breakfast! You guys wait in the living room." "Yay! You're in for a treat, Louis. Tia here's a great cook!" Alison chirped. "She'd better be. I'm starving!" Louis exclaimed with a smile before leaving the room with Alison.

Tiana followed Alison and Louis out of the room to go to the bathroom,except...

She didn't know where it was.

"Louis! Where's the bathroom? I need to check myself in the mirror!" Louis faced Tiana and said, "Oh, it's the door to your right, actually." "Thanks!" Louis turned around and kept walking.

Alison went closer to Louis and whispered, "Does she even know Liam's in there?" Louis grinned as he looked at his sister. "Not a clue. She'll find out for herself soon enough." "Louis!" "What? I just want to know what happens. Hey, they looked adorable together when Liam carried her while she was asleep." Louis pushed Alison behind a wall and he hid behind the one across it.

Tiana was about to open the door until she heard someone singing.

"What am I supposed to do when the best part of me was always you? 

What am I supposed to say when I'm all choked up and you're okay?"

Curious, she kept walking up and down the hall like a clueless idiot. Louis and Alison were watching her and she didn't notice; she was too busy wondering where the singing came from.

Eventually, she realised it was from the bathroom all along. 'Darn acoustics...' she thought. While walking back to the bathroom, someone came out of it and bumped into her. She looked up to see Liam. "Liam! Oh my god, I'm so sorry...I didn't know you" Tiana stuttered. She meant to say she didn't know that he was inside the bathroom, but she got distracted because he was only wearing a towel 'round his hips.

"Tiana, hi. I-i didn't mean to bump into you like this. I just took a shower! I...uh-" "N-no, it's fine...I, uh, just need to use the bathroom real quick, if you could just m-move that'd be great.." Tiana tumbled over her words once more while avoiding eye contact with Liam, in hopes that he wouldn't notice that she was probably blushing.

When Liam made way for Tiana, she immediately ran inside the bathroom and shut the door. Tiana looked at herself in the mirror and noticed how red she was! She tried not to think about Liam and how he's so fit, but the more she tried not thinking of it, the more she did! And the more she blushed. 'ARGH, Liam, why does he have to be so fit ?!' she thought to herself.

After that, in the living room, Alison and Louis kept laughing and talking about what they just saw. In the kitchen, Harry was with Niall, sitting by the table, listening to Alison's laughter...thinking second thoughts about what he promised Louis. If you have short-term memory loss, then let's review what Harry promised:

"I haven't thought of Alison that way since we met seconds ago, but alright then. Since you're so worried..."

And there you have it! That's what Harry promised Louis when they were in the airport. It's true that Harry only met her last night, but is it really that impossible to have second thoughts about someone? I mean, first impressions don't really last that long, do they?

Harry has been wondering about what would happen if he dates Alison. For Louis, that'd be a pretty bad idea, Harry knew that for sure. For Harry himself, he was unsure. Alison already made his knees feel weak when she smiled, he'd like to see what would happen. For Alison, well, he doesn't really know what she feels about this situation.

"Niall," Harry called out. "Hm?" Niall responded before taking a bite out of a slice of toasted bread. "...Would it be bad if you break a promise?" Harry questioned, trying to make the fact that that "you" is him unclear as he could. Niall thought for a moment. "Well, my first answer would be 'yes, that's a very bad thing to do.' but then I wouldn't have been able to think about 'special, complicated situations'. So I'd have to say, you could break the promise if: it saves a life, is for the good of others, or if it's for the one you love." he answered.

"So...that's a no, right?" Niall rolled his eyes and said, "Look, if I tell you it's ok to break a promise, would you leave me alone and stop asking?" "I don't know, I just wanted to know if it'd be bad!" "Well, Harold, it really depends on the situation. If you want to break the promise you made so badly then break it!" "Wh-what makes you think I want to break it?!" Niall looked at Harry suspiciously.

"...It didn't. I meant that generally. Do you have a promise you want to-" "Of course not! It's nothing...don't mind me! Haha..." Harry said, cutting off Niall's sentence. Niall shook his head. "Well then, Harry. Just remember, if you plan to break a promise, think about the people around you."


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