A Day Out

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While Harry and Alison were out, so were Zayn and Tiana.

But before that, they walked around the flat as Zayn explained which room is where and all that junk. "Well, I showed you around the flat already, and we have a lot of time on our hands. What do you wanna do now?" Tiana thought for a while. "Hm, do you wanna go for a walk?" Tiana suggested. "Why not? Let's go get ready then!" Zayn insisted.

Tiana went to the guests' room and bumped into her roommate. "Hey there, Ali!" Tiana chirped. "Hi!" Alison greeted in return. "So...what'cha getting that dress out for?" "I'm going to some restaurant with Harry." "Why so formal, hm? Which restaurant are you going to eat in?" "...Galvin La Chapelle."  Alison mumbled softly. "What'd you say?" Tiana asked with a smile on her face. "Oh c'mon, Tia! I know you heard me! You just want me to say it again!" Alison huffed.

Tiana laughed. "Okay, okay. You caught me, but seriously, you're going to that restaurant with that guy, the one who possibly likes you?" Alison scoffed. "You think he likes me? We've been through this in the airport! He probably sees me as a friend, nothing more. He's just taking me there because I wanted to go, it's not a date! We're not even dating!" Tiana smirked. "Not yet anyway..." Alison rolled her eyes. "You know, sometimes I get worried that you ship people too much." "Hey, if you tried it, I don't think you'll stop." Tiana stated as she got her clothes from the closet and made her way to the bathroom.

Later, Tiana came out of the bathroom wearing a pair of red shorts, a white Union Flag t-shirt and a pair of black glittery flats. When she went into the living room, Louis was sitting on the sofa with Zayn. "Hey! Country pride, I like it!" Louis exclaimed. "Thanks, Louis. I missed being in Britain. It's so..." "...Great?" Zayn asked with a smile on his face. Tiana smiled back. "Yeah...let's go out already!" Tiana said as she grabbed Zayn's hand and walked out the door.

As they were walking down the streets of London, they decided to go to the park and sit down under the shade of a tree. "So, what do you miss about being in London?" Zayn asked, breaking the silence between them. "Just walking around and enjoying some peace." Tiana responded. "...I barely get to do that. With touring, album signing, interviews and everything else, peace is impossible to have."  "Just be glad to know that you guys still take a break or two. At least your having one with me right now." Tiana pointed out as she smiled at him. Zayn nodded in agreement.

When they reached the park entrance, things got upsetting for Tiana. "So, any lucky American waiting for you to go back to New York?" wondered Zayn. "No, I have no one." Tiana stopped in realisation. "...Actually, that sounds really depressing, wow, that's sad..." Tiana trailed off as she sat down by a nearby bench. Zayn sat down with her. "Are you ok?" 

Tiana frowned. "Not really, I just realised I'm all alone. I-it's upsetting..." she realised as her eyes looked at the ground. Zayn frowned, too. This was supposed to be the day that they just have fun since Tiana hasn't been in London for a year. Now, he feels bad for bringing up the subject. He needed to find out a way to cheer her up.

"It's not that bad to be single. Look at me, I don't have a girlfriend and I'm perfectly fine." Tiana shot him an "are you kidding me?" look. "Do you even know who you are? Of course it's fine for you! Unlike you, I don't have millions of fans and followers on Twitter telling me tons and tons of uplifting comments. I don't know anyone who'd be utterly depressed if I say I won't use Twitter anymore. They'd all think I'm just seeking attention! You get a lot of attention EVERYDAY. At least you know someone likes you..." she argued.

Zayn decided that talking it out wouldn't work. So, he looked around the park to see what he could put to use. He spotted a guy holding a bunch of balloons on strings. 'What is she, 9? No, balloons AREN'T the answer...'  thought Zayn to himself. Then it hit him...no, not the balloons. An idea hit him. He spotted an old man with a sketchbook and pencil at hand. "Hey Tia...I'll be right back." Zayn told her as he stood up. "Meh..." Tiana mumbled as she sadly played with her hands.

Zayn ran to the old man, borrowed the pencil and sketchbook from him, and ran back to Tiana and sat in front of her. He started scribbling on the sketchbook as he occasionally glanced at Tiana. Curious, Tiana was about to stand up and take a peek at what he was scribbling down until he said, "Do me a favour and stay where you are." Tiana sat down and sighed. "Fine." she said.

*a few minutes later* Tiana couldn't take it., she was getting impatient. "Can't I move already? I'm so tired from sitting down!...You know what? I'll just stand up whether you like-" "Done." Zayn stated. He turned the sketchbook around to show her his work.

And just as Zayn expected, Tiana smiled. Zayn handed her the sketchbook. "I-is that supposed to be me?" she asked as she pointed at herself. Zayn smiled and nodded. "Yup, sorry, it's the best I could do on such short notice..." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. "Zayn, don't trick yourself...it's great. In fact, too great. Are you sure you weren't looking at someone behind me?" she joked looking at Zayn's drawing in disbelief.

Zayn chuckled and shook his head. "Tiana, trust me when I tell you that I gave all my attention to you...a hundred and ten percent of it. If you don't believe me, I guess that means you haven't checked the mirror lately." Tiana laughed and gently pushed Zayn's shoulder. "How cheesy. I thought it was Harry's job to flatter the ladies." Zayn kept a serious face on. "...But it's true." And with those words leaving Zayn's mouth...Tiana blushed. "Did I say that out loud?" Zayn asked in realisation. Tiana grinned as she nodded.

"'Scuse me, I can't help but notice your drawing of your girlfriend...can you try to draw me?" asked a girl, around 19. "Look, she's not my...*sigh* I just did this to make her smile." "Oh c'mon! I'll pay you!...£5!" the girl pleaded. "Money can't change my de-" "£10!" 'well isn't she persistent, kinda like Louis asking for  tea when he runs out.' Zayn thought. "Alright, but don't pay me anymore. Sit down..." he said, finally giving in. "Yay!" squealed the girl in excitement as she sat down beside Tiana, in front of Zayn.

*another set of minutes later* "...Here." Zayn said as he handed the sketchbook to her. "This is great!...Can I keep it?" "Uh...wait a moment." Zayn went towards the old man, asked if he could rip out two pages from the sketchbook. The old man nodded and Zayn ran back to Tiana and the oh-so-persistent girl, ripped out the two pages he drew on and gave them to the girls. "Thanks a bunch!" said the girl.

"No problem-oh wait! I forgot! Can I have it back for a second?" Zayn asked. The girl nodded and gave it back to Zayn. He scribbled something on it and gave it back. "There." He said as he smiled. "Oh...what'd you wri-ohmygod...." Zayn eyes widened as he realised what he just did. Without hesitation, he grabbed Tiana's wrist and ran into the park.

Finally, they both got tired and sat under a shade of a tree. "Zayn..." Tiana breathed out as she was gasping for air. "What was that all about?!" "I put my autograph on that piece of paper without even thinking...it's a habit of mine to sign my drawings." "Oh...so that would've caused quite a riot?" "Yeah...well if she yelled it out loud." "Hey! You forgot to return the sketchbook and pencil back to the old man!" Tiana ointed out. Zayn looked at the pad & pencil he held in his hand. "Ugh, I'm not on my A-game today..."

*at the park entrance* Zayn ran towards the old man and gave back the sketchpad and pencil. The old man thanked him kindly and left. "Wait, so why aren't there any screaming girls nearby?" Tiana wondered. Zayn looked around in disbelief. "What? But..." "Looks like she kept it to herself. Not all fans want to give you a hard time...c'mon, let's go be spontaneous and hop in a cab." said Tiana as she held out her hand. Zayn smiled, held her hand and went off to look for a cab to hop in.

They took a cab to the most typical tourist spot in London: The London Eye. But they had a great time...of course they went on the big Ferris wheel. When their pod was at the top, Tiana pointed out the places she loved going to the most, while Zayn pointed out where he's been spotted by fans the most...all in all, they had a great time.


We are SO SO SO sorry for the long wait...forgive us! Anyway, keep the persistent girl in mind...she's important. Comment, fan or vote!

Little Things is so VERY perfect...<3

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