AUTHORS' NOTE pls read

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Okay, so here's the thing...we thought that we'd be able to update by sorry...we were SO wrong. Thing is, we're given a lot of homework everyday so give us a break :(( for those who have been waiting for an update (if those people exist, idk if they do) it might take a while but we'll see what we can do! For now because we feel bad for not updating after an eternity, we'll be adding more chapters to Love's Point of View (We're terribly sorry if you think this is shameless advertising or if you don't read those kind of fics) it's the best we can do to entertain you lot momentarily. There was already a draft of the first chapter so we'll be posting that with ease. :) Thank you guys! Again, we're terribly sorry :((

-Goldforeverwith1D (Anne, Alyssa, and Krystianne)

P.S. Omfg you guys 3,000 reads. We never knew the story could go so far! I love you guys you guys are the best!!!! You know what, maybe we can talk more, please? We'd love to get to know the readers! Just comment on any of the chapters or message us, we'll reply soon enough!

P.P.S To readers who just found this story, have you voted for any chapter? Make sure you do!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2013 ⏰

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