OHFD pt.3: Awkward...

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Alison snuggled up to Harry on the sofa, watching the movie. At some point, Harry started to play with Alison's chestnut brown hair. She was a bit startled, but she didn't move away when she felt Harry's hand on her head. It was relaxing. Feeling every stroke of his hand was, for some reason, comforting. She felt safe in his arms.

As weird as it sounded, Alison knew it was all true. Just staying there, resting her head on the crook of his neck, he smelled good. Not to mention his soft curly locks fell perfectly into place. At some points watching the movie, Alison would just glance at Harry. Everytime he smiled, his dimples showed. She loved that, he looked so adorable when he smiled.

Sometimes, Harry would catch her looking at him. He'd simply smile and turn his attention back to the movie. Alison loved it every time Harry noticed her staring because he just showed a smile that just makes everything feel happier...and his eyes; they were just so full of life. She was having a good time with Harry, watching a movie, after their really tiring day.

She didn't want it to be over quickly. As sad as this sounds, when she thought of that, the movie came to a near end. When the movie was over, Alison rested her head on Harry's lap. "Sleepy, now, are we?" Harry asked with a chuckle after Alison lied down on his lap. "Not really. I just felt like stretching on the sofa after the movie." Alison explained.

Harry looked into Alison's brown eyes, she was so adorable...just looking at him like that. Everytime he caught her staring, he wasn't weirded out, he just smiled at her and went back to watching the movie. He felt flattered knowing Alison looked at him that way. When Alison wasn't looking, Harry would look at her. Basically, throughout the movie, they kept staring at each other, but neither of them knew that. Well, Harry did, but he didn't mind.

Alison's smile...well, it was the loveliest smile Harry's ever seen. It was adorable the way she furrows her brows in confusion. When he saw that back in the restaurant, he just smiled to himself.

He was scared, though. He told Louis he had no feelings for Alison whatsoever...but the time they spent together changed everything. It was silly how everything can change in a small amount of time...and time was the only thing the two had a lot of that day.

He didn't want anything bad between him and Louis. He was his best friend, after all. He didn't want t- "What was that for?" Harry asked after his thoughts were interrupted by Alison. She smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, was that kiss on the cheek too much? I just wanted to thank you for today somehow."

Harry felt his cheeks heat up a bit. Alison just kissed him. 'Get a hold of yourself! It was just a thank you.' Harry thought to himself, snapping him out of his own optimism.

"N-no, it's fine. I don't mind if you kiss me all night!...Wait. Th-that came out wrong...uh.." Harry trailed off. Alison smiled at how he was getting nervous around her. Wasn't it supposed to be the other way around? She was standing in front of Harry Styles, after all.

She let out a giggle. "Good night, Harry." she said before turning around to go to her room. Harry held Alison's hand. "Wait, I forgot to tell you this afternoon." Alison faced Harry. "What is it?" she asked curiously.

Harry pulled her closer to him. He placed his hand on her cheek and stroked it with his thumb. "You look beautiful." He leaned in for a kiss. Harry kissed Alison gently and lovingly since he knew this could've been her first kiss. And later, she started to kiss back. Their lips were perfectly in synch. Every touch sent shivers down both of their spines. Harry started to bite Alison's lower lip until they heard something shatter.

They jumped away from each other and saw Niall, right in front of him were pieces of broken glass. "Niall!" Harry exclaimed. "What are you do-" "I wanted to get another glass of water because I felt so thirsty and so I walked out of my room to go to the kitchen but then I saw you guys kissing...why were you kissing? That's not right. What about Louis?" Niall blurted out as fast as he could.

"Niall, calm down. It was just a kiss. Just, keep it secret." Alison whispered for only the 2 boys to hear. "Oh, great. I saw something I never should have seen and you tell me to keep it on the down low? Alison. Louis has to know-" "Please. Niall, you're one of my best friends. I know I can count on you. You won't ever see us kiss again, I swear." Harry promised.

Alison frowned at what Harry promised. Did he just kiss her because he felt like it and he was bored? She was a little hurt because she knew that she had felt something when they kissed. It sounded cliché, but it was true. She felt something in that kiss that Harry must've felt, too. It felt too real to be made-up.

Just then, the front door opened and Louis came in. "LOUIS!" the three yelled. "Erm, hi?" "Louis, I was so worried when you left. It scared me. Are you okay? Liam told me how you seemed angry and left when I walked into his room." Niall told him. Louis became confused.

"Angry? No...I'm not that angry. Well, it wasn't his fault, I realised that. I went for a walk to clear my mind." Niall nodded in understanding. Louis was about to go to his room when he spotted the broken glass. "Niall," Louis called out. "Yes?" he answered nervously. Poor Niall was under pressure. "Did you drop that?" Louis asked while pointing at the shattered glass. Niall nodded slowly. "It slipped." he responded. Louis sighed. "Well then, better get on with cleaning it, eh? The broom's in the closet. I'm going to bed..." Louis looked at Alison and Harry standing.

"Don't look at us, we were about to help Niall when he dropped the glass, then you came in." Harry bluffed. Alison simply looked at Louis with a look on her face that showed a bit of concern. "You went out for a walk?" Louis nodded.

Alison knew that when Louis goes for a walk, that's when he's most upset. She remembered that Louis would take long strolls in the park everyday when he found out their mum and dad were getting a divorce. Alison realised that he only does that when he's in his worst mood and he needs to think. "Louis..." Alison called out in concern. "I'm fine, CT. I feel better, really, I do. Anyway, I'll be going to sleep now. You guys should, too. Good night." Louis said with a smile to reassure Alison.

When Louis was out of sight, Niall looked down at the floor with broken glass all over it. He sighed and went straight to the closet to get the broom and dustpan. After Niall was done cleaning and throwing the shards of glass into the trash bin, Niall looked at Harry and Alison standing there. "What are you guys gonna do now? You can't just keep it secret. It won't last that long." Niall worred. Harry looked at Alison and back at Niall. "It wasn't a one-time thing, I can tell you that."

Alison and Niall were gobsmacked. "Really?" Alison asked in disbelief. Harry smiled. "You didn't think you were gonna get away from me that quickly, did you? I want you to be with me...see if something happens." he said before kissing her head. Alison smiled. And Niall shook his head. "Please don't kiss in front of me. Keeping this secret is hard enough..." he begged. Harry chuckled. "Sorry Niall. I can't help it. Okay, I promise I won't kiss her when I'm in front of you. Good enough?" Niall nodded. "I don't feel thirsty anymore...I'm just gonna go to bed. G'night. You better go to sleep. You wouldn't want Louis to walk in on ya." Niall pointed out before yawning and making his way to his room.

Harry sat down on the sofa once more; Alison followed suit and sat beside him. She went closer to Harry and rested her head on his shoulder. "Harry, what if Niall's right? What if we weren't able to keep it a secret from Louis anymore? What would he do then? Will he shut me out again?" she asked.

Harry hugged her tight and rubbed her back. "Of course not. Maybe he wouldn't give me the light of day, but he'd never do that to you. You're family." "Yeah, but he hasn't talked to me in a full year. Who can say he can't do it again?" Alison worried. Harry just kissed her forehead and said, "He's not going to ignore you. He won't shut you out of his life. I'll make sure of it, even if it's the last thing I do."


That was the last of the OHFD chapters. We hope you enjoyed the ending!

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