Out for a Walk

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As soon as Louis got angry with Liam, he left the flat and took a walk to calm down. He just didn't want anything bad happen to Alison.

Alison was still a little girl to Louis. She was still innocent, she shouldn't get her heart broken by anyone...at least that's what he believed. And it'd make matters worse if Harry would be the guy to blame for hurting Alison...Louis wouldn't know what to do if that ever happens. 

He wasn't sure how he'd react.

With thoughts like these worrying Louis, he felt pretty hungry. 'I guess that what I get for leaving angrily without eating lunch.' he thought to himself. Louis made his way to a small sandwich shop right around the corner. Later, while he was eating his sandwich absentmindedly, a girl who looked near his age with long, wavy, light brown hair sat in front of him and smiled.

Louis' train of thought crashed when he saw the girl, just smiling at him. Her smile seemed so warm...it made him want to smile back. Of course, he didn't smile. He scowled, really, but not because of the girl, it was his thinking about Alison and Harry that made him do that.

"I'm sorry, but this table is just for me. And I'd like to keep it that way, thanks." Louis told her harshly. He really meant to say it politely, but his mood ruined his efforts. "I don't see your name on it. It's a free country, I can sit anywhere I like." she pointed out, resting her chin on her hand with her elbow on the table.

"I just want to be left alone. You don't even know me. I'm a stranger." the girl smiled. "Oh, but I do know you, Lou." Louis' eyes widened. His cover's been blown. He really thought a hoodie would do the trick to hide his face. "But how? I'm wearing a hoodie, that's not fair." he pouted. "It's a bit obvious...I guess everyone just respects your privacy too much to approach you right now."

"Then why'd you approach me? Don't you respect my privacy?" the girl nodded."I do, but I respect your feelings more. You seem sad, I'm just a stranger, but what matters is that I want to make you feel better. Tell me what's wrong." Louis wanted to open up. Really, he did. It didn't matter to who. Then again, she was a total stranger. How could he trust her with what he'll say?

Louis shook his head. "I can't. I don't know you. You can't just ask me to tell you my problem. You might tell someone. How on earth can I trust you?" he questioned. the girl took out a folded piece of paper from her back pocket, placed it on the table, and pushed it towards Louis. Curious, Louis took the piece of paper, he hesitated and looked at the girl. "Go on. Open it." she said while making a gesture with her hands insisting him to unfold the paper.

Louis unfolded the paper, only to find a drawing of the girl in front of him. He looked up at the girl with a confused expression. "How's this self-portrait gonna help me trust you?" he questioned. The girl giggled, and like her smile, her laugh made everything seem a bit brighter to Louis. "It's not a self-portrait. I didn't draw that. Someone drew it for me." She answered.

"Who?" she smiled and said,"Why don't you look at the signature? It's by the corner." the girl was right. After seeing the artist's signature, Louis felt like he could trust her somehow. 

"How'd you get Zayn to draw you...and let him sign it?" the girl played with her wavy hair. "I asked for it...but I didn't make a commotion out of it. I didn't yell 'OMG, it's Zayn Malik!' I left him alone, but he ran away because he didn't mean to sign his name and he thought fans would chase him." "How can I trust you with this? How do I know you're not lying?" Louis asked, squinting his eyes at her in disbelief.

"Have you heard about any fans mobbing Zayn today?" she asked with an eyebrow raised. Louis shook his head. "No, but you're still a stranger to me." the girl simply grabbed Louis' hand and shook it. Her hand was petite, her handshake: gentle. Everything about her matched her appearance. "I'm Eleanor Calder." she beamed. So did her name.

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