Wonder Wheel

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Liam was woken up by people surrounding his bed, singing happy birthday to him. He sat up looking at everyone with a big smile on his face; it was difficult for him to believe they planned all of this just for him. He was so thankful for having such caring friends. "Happy birthday to you!" they all finished before diving into a big group hug with Liam in the center.

"Thank you everyone. I love you all so much." Liam told them. "Aww, we love you more Li!" Niall exclaimed while hugging Liam. "Happy Birthday Liam, we've some great surprises for you today!" Louis informed him with a smile. "Glad to hear it! I don't want this day to be boring. Not one bit!" Liam beamed.

"All right, give the birthday boy some room. We need him to eat breakfast." Tiana ordered. Everyone except Tiana greeted him once more before leaving the room. "Happy birthday, Liam." she beamed. "Thanks, Tia. So, what surprises are in store for me?" Liam asked. Tiana tapped her head. "It's all right here, I'm not answering that, you sneak. It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you!" she explained.

Later, as they ate breakfast, they talked about their schedule for the day. "All right, we won't really have much of a busy day. We'll keep it nice and simple. Liam's surprise will come after lunch!" Louis stated. "But what exactly is the surprise?" Liam asked. "We're not going to say a word!" Harry exclaimed. "Fine..." Liam sighed, disappointed. "Don't worry, Li. It's worth the secret keeping!" Zayn assured him. "It better be...I don't think I can wait for it." Liam responded.


On the way up to their rooms...

"All right, now that breakfast is over how about we go wild in Coney Island?!" Tiana asked. "Ooh, that's the amusement park isn't it? Sounds like a plan, let's do it!" Louis exclaimed. "I don't know guys, is that safe? I mean now that people have the idea that we're somewhere here in New York?" Liam asked. "Liam, I'm pretty sure that Tiana meant that figuratively. We aren't actually gonna go wild!" Alison assured him.

"That's not what I mean, the point is-" "The point here, Liam, is that you don't want to go because you worry too much. We can go out in disguises. Heavy-duty ones. No hoodies, no shades, just really strange outfits we wouldn't be caught dead in. I could even go as a woman." Louis suggested. "Oh god, please don't." Alison pleaded as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

"You're right. It's my birthday, I don't want to hold back because I worried too much. I need to enjoy myself! Okay, I'll agree with this. But none of the lads here will wear a woman's costume." Liam ordered. No one reacted. "Louis..." Liam stated sternly. "Wha- I won't! That was a joke!" Louis countered. "Well, jokes are half-meant." Liam said matter-of-factly. "Liam, I swear I only said that to get a laugh out of you." Louis assured him.

Liam stopped by his, Zayn, and Paul's room. "Oh. Well all right then. See you guys later!" he stated before going in the hotel room with Zayn. "So are we really going to Coney Island?" Harry wondered. "Why not? Let's all get ready!" Louis insisted as he gestured Harry and Niall into the hotel room.

Afterwards, they all saw each other in the hotel lobby.

"Okay guys! Onwards to Coney Island!" Tiana exclaimed as she made her way out of the building. "Huh," Liam mused. "What's the matter?" Alison asked. "The paparazzi know we're in New York. Why aren't they here?" he shared with her. "Oh, right. Maybe they just don't know where we're staying." she guessed. "Hm, I'm not so sure it's that. They can be very tricky, you know. There's something not right." Liam argued before leaving the hotel.

Everyone headed to the subway station. "Liam, don't worry about it anymore! It's your birthday, okay? You need to relax." Alison retorted. Liam sat back on his seat and nodded. "You're right, I'm sorry. I guess the paparazzi's just getting on my nerves. I just need to relax." he stated, saying the last part to himself before they all boarded the train.

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