Finalising Plans

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*10 days before Liam's birthday* Tiana was fast asleep on her bed, until a person decided to wake her up by jumping onto her bed. "Wha-?! I'm up, I'm up, I'm-OW!" Tiana exclaimed when she practically slammed her head against the person's. "Ow, ow, ow!!" the person yelled before falling off her bed, making a really loud and hard thud. Tiana rubbed her head lightly to ease the pain. "Why on earth did you think jumping on a sleeping person is a good idea?!" Tiana questioned as she looked at Louis, groaning in pain on the wooden floor.

"I was just here to tell you we should really start making sure- ah- everything's gonna be okay for Liam's birthday." he said, wincing at the pain. "Oh god, Liam probably heard all the commotion coming from here. Great. The plan's ruined." Tiana groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose. Louis smiled and said, "Oh, that's no problem. He's not here. I sorta kicked him out of the flat." Tiana's eyes widened and looked at the clock on her bedside. "At TEN IN THE MORNING? What's he gonna do at ten in the morning outside?! " Tiana asked.

"It's not that early. A lot of people go out at ten o' clock. I'm sure he can manage." Louis assured her. "How'd you even get him to leave the place anyway?" "I told him Niall wanted Nando's because he hasn't had their chicken in the longest time, which is actually true. Liam insisted on phoning the restaurant, giving them Niall's order, but Niall said he wanted food as soon as possible. So Liam had no choice but to go out for it." he explained.

"Louis. They won't open until eleven-thirty! He'll be forced to wait for one whole hour and thirty minutes!" Tiana exclaimed. "Hey, he's Liam. Like I said a while ago, I'm sure he can manage. Now let's wake up sleepyhead over here." Louis said as he jerked his head towards Alison. Tiana got up from bed and stretched her arms as she went across the room to wake Alison up. "Ali. Wake up! We need to do something today!" Tiana said in a loud, yet gentle tone as she shook Alison's shoulders.

After a few seconds passed, Alison groaned, indicating that she was awake. "What is it?" she asked, her voice still rough and weak, as if she's had cough and colds for days. That's her morning voice for you. "We need to plan Liam's birthday party and-" "'s like you went through puberty faster than I did." Louis teased. Alison covered her head with a pillow and mumbled, "shmmt mmp lmmmy" "What was that?" Alison threw the pillow at Louis. "I said, shut up Louis." she repeated, her voice becoming clearer.

"Now's not the time for sibling rivalry. Just get up and go to the living room. Liam's not gonna be here for at least an hour, so we're going to finalise things for his birthday." Tiana informed her. Alison got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom while Louis and Tiana went to the other boys' rooms to wake them up to finish planning.

Later, when Niall, Harry, and Zayn came into the living room, they were all sleepy. You could tell from the droopiness of their eyes. They were so sleepy that both Zayn and Harry didn't care about how messy their hair was. Harry sat on the floor, more specifically, the space right in front of Alison, who was sitting on the armchair. Alison fixed Harry's hair and smiled. "There. Now everyone can see your face." Harry looked up at her and smiled as a thank you.

"You better have a good reason for waking us up, Lou." Harry said. "Is planning for Liam's birthday a good enough reason?" Louis asked sassily with one eyebrow raised at Harry. He gave an understanding nod and became silent. "Alright. Liam's birthday is almost a week away. A few days ago, we all decided that we all started planning for his birthday. Today, we're still going to plan things out, but we're just going to check if there's something wrong. We want Liam's day to be perfect." Louis stated.

"If Liam's just asleep in his room won't it mean he'll hear us?" Zayn asked. "Oh, he's on his way to Nando's getting Niall some food." Louis answered. Everyone had puzzled expressions on their faces except Niall. He had a smile on his face because he knew he was getting food. "...It's a long story and we don't have any time to lose." Louis explained. "Anyway, while Alison and Harry were busy distracting Liam, the four of us came up with going to New York for Liam's birthday. How's that?" Tiana asked.

"Actually, it'd be nice for the boys to get out of the country for fun and not for concerts this time." Alison admitted. "Yeah, and we really didn't have the opportunity to go sightseeing that much." Niall added. "Alright then. All we need to plan is where to go out and eat. Uncle Simon said that he already took care of our tickets. He said that we'll be there for three days. The 27th, 28th, and of course, the 29th." Louis explained.

"On the 27th, we're just going to rest from the flight, or we could have a day to ourselves to do whatever we want. On the 28th, though, we all go to a restaurant for dinner. Altogether, for the sake of the fact that Liam's birthday would be the next day. And for Liam's birthday..." Zayn trailed off. "Does anyone have any ideas?" Zayn finally asked. Harry raised his hand to speak, as if in a classroom. "Yes, Harry?" Louis said. "How about we go to a baseball game? He's always wanted to go to one." Harry suggested. "Alright, let's book the tickets and let Uncle Si know about it!" Louis declared with a smile.

*moments later* Zayn was taking down notes while he stared into a map of New York while Alison kept telling him where they can go for sightseeing and whatnot, pointing at certain areas on the map. Louis was on the phone talking to Simon to confirm everything and ask about the baseball game while Harry was beside him, typing away on the laptop's keyboard. Niall was with Tiana, who was also on the laptop, looking for some restaurants in New York. Everyone was so busy, and it was all for Liam.

An hour after they started, Liam called Louis' phone. "Everyone keep quiet and don't say a word!" Louis said before answering the phone. "Hey there, Liam!...what..?! You bought Niall's food already? But Nando's opens at eleven today right?? It's eleven thirty now? Oh okay...I'll just let Niall know. Bye!" Louis hung up the phone. "Everyone act natural, do whatever, and hide the plans!" Louis exclaimed. Everyone cleared tables, browser histories, and hid the map, notes, and papers.

Tiana went back into her and Alison's room and Alison followed. Louis hopped on the sofa and logged into his Twitter account on the laptop and opened up iTunes and played some music to pretend that he's been on it for a long time. Niall went back to his bedroom to try to sleep and forget his hunger. Lastly, Harry and Zayn turned on the TV and flipped it to a random movie channel that was showing Fight Club. Everyone tried to act as natural as possible.

As expected, Liam knocked on the door. "I'll get it!" Zayn announced before standing up to open the door. "Hey, Liam!...Hungry, aren't you?" he asked Liam as he eyed the paper bag with the Nando's logo on the side. Liam went inside and shut the door. "Nope, but Niall is. Speaking of the boy, where is he?" Liam asked before walking into the kitchen. "He's in his bedroom!" Harry yelled, focusing his eyes on the TV. Liam walked back into the living room, this time, empty handed. "Aw, poor thing must be starving." Liam said. "Niall! Your food's here!" he yelled.


About Eleanor, she'll appear somewhere later in the story patient! ( patient. She won't be appearing soon, but she'll appear again.)

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