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"I'm still so hungry...that piece of toast did NOT do the trick for me. Harry, you know how to cook. Do something, PLEASE." Niall begged after finishing the piece of toast. As soon as he said that, Tiana swaggered into the kitchen wearing an apron. "You can cook?" Harry asked. Tiana smiled. "Yup, so if you want food, go on and get out of here, 'kay?"

Harry stood up, all upset. "That's a bit rude. If you forgot, this is my flat, so this is my kitchen. Why are you kicking me out of here?" "Well, I'm just saying if you want to taste my cooking you should leave me be here." Tiana argued. Harry stood up and stomped his way out of the kitchen mumbling to himself. Before leaving the room, he yelled, "Your food better be good or I swear, I'll never let you cook here again!"

When Harry left, Niall noticed a change in Tiana's face. "Hey, Tiana, your face looks pretty red. Are you blushing? Ooo, why are you blushing??" "I-i am not!...*sigh* Niall, please leave me be so I could focus on making everybody breakfast." "Okay!" Niall beamed before leaving the kitchen. Tiana finally relaxed as she began cooking, because cooking can actually take her mind off of things.

While Tiana was in the kitchen, Liam came out of his room. (Properly clothed, mind you.) When he went into the living room, he noticed everyone was there. Well, except Tiana. "Hey, have you guys seen Tiana, or is she still in the bathroom?" he asked. "Hey, Liam. Tiana's in the kitchen, cooking breakfast." Niall informed him. Liam was surprised, also, his Daddy Direction instincts kicked in. "And no one's going to help her cook?...C'mon, she's going to cook for 7 people. She's going to need a helping hand, right?"

No one answered because they thought that he already knew that she knew how to cook. Liam took the silence as a "Yes" and entered the kitchen. "I was wondering if you need-" "I don't need any help, thanks for the concern, now please, do me a favor and leave me be." Tiana told him coldly, cutting off Liam's sentence.

"Oh, c'mon. Don't you want to get this over with quickly? Besides, there are people out there waiting for their breakfast." Liam reminded her, sitting down by the dining table. "...Fine. Just beat the eggs. They're already in the bowl over there." Liam smiled and stood up. "That's more like it. A little help from someone won't ruin everything."

*Few minutes later* Tiana came out of the kitchen with pancake mix all over her face-wait, what?! "Whoa!..Tia, what happened in there?" asked Alison. "I don't think the pancake mix goes on your face." said Louis after chuckling.

"Well..."started Tiana, but Liam came out of the kitchen with soaking wet hair. "I wanted to make pancakes." "And I told you not to do anything except beat the eggs in the bowl." Liam got some pancake mix off of Tiana's face and tasted it. "Hmm, what a waste of pancake. No, you didn't say don't do anything after beating the eggs. You said, 'Just beat the eggs. They're already in the bowl over there.' " "How'd you get the idea you could do anything else when you were done beating the eggs?!" "I did not!" "Oh, you SO did."

Liam and Tiana started to argue. "Hey! Enough of the bickering! It's understood that Ali and I bicker, but you guys should get along, just with the simple fact that you're not siblings. Now, what happened? You two are the most sensible out of all of us!" Louis yelled. Tiana looked at Liam. "I'm angry, you explain." she instructed him before going back into the kitchen.

"Well, I was done beating the eggs like I was told to. Since she didn't tell me to do anything else after that, I decided to make myself some pancakes. So, I mixed the pancake mix into a bowl. I turned around to tell Tiana, then I turned around again and I accidentally bumped into Tiana...making put her face into the pancake mix." "...Well, that doesn't explain why you're soaking wet." Niall commented.

Tiana came out of the kitchen wiping her washed face with a towel. "That, Nialler, is orange juice. When my face was hurled into the mix, I couldn't see a thing. So, when I pulled my head out of the bowl, I accidentally spilled the orange juice. Which I freshly squeezed, by the way. Liam's face just so happened to be in the way."

Liam felt his hair and got disgusted. "Uhh, my hair's getting really sticky. I'm going to take another shower now." Liam ran into the bathroom once more to take his second shower of the day.

Tiana rubbed her hands together. "Well, at least I was able to save the food from the mess. I was able to clean up the orange juice from the floor, too. Let's eat!" And with that, everyone enjoyed breakfast. Even Liam enjoyed it after his shower.

The lesson here? Never bother Tiana while she's cooking. Maybe before, maybe after, but most certainly NOT during.


Hi! So what'd you think of this chapter? We found it real apPEELing. Get it? With the orange ): okay. Just remember to comment here! Don't forget to fan and vote as well!

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