The Escape (Part 2)

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I felt like the last chapter was short so I added another one for today:)

My face was numb from flying for so long. I was behind the death eaters in a way that they were just on the brink of my vision. Yes, I had cried a little when Draco had turned away. But I had made my decision. I kept flying and saw flashes of light. I slowed as I neared the fight. Now, I just had to find Harry. There! I saw him on a broom. As I flew near him my eye caught another person on a broom. It was...Harry?

As I focused more on the people, they all looked like Harry. Ah of course! They probably all drank Polyjuice Potion so it would make it harder for the Death Eaters to find Harry. But that also made it difficult for me to find Harry. I scanned the people while trying to dodge spells. No one was really focused on me, so it was easy. I saw people on brooms, but I felt like that was too obvious. I saw Hagrid riding his motorcycle with a Harry beside him. Harry yelled expelliarmus and a flash of red erupted from his wand. I had a hunch, I flew closer. "Harry?" I shouted over the winds. His eyes widened when he saw me. My hunch was proved correct.

I flew beside the motorcycle and shot spells at incoming death eaters. Hedwig flew out. I hope she could protect herself.

(Ok but honestly Hedwig's death really hit me hard. Like Harry Potter's main theme song is literally called "Hedwig's Theme". Watching her fly over the school is what defined a "magical" aspect of Hogwarts. It really made me feel all warm and at home. So, I will not kill her in this series.)

But that gave us away. Death eaters tailed us. Hagrid told me to grab a part of the motorcycle. I did as he said, and Hagrid pushed a button. The motorcycle picked up speed and whizzed off. The Death Eaters couldn't keep up.

We arrived at a huge ground. I saw a house of some sort as we got closer. This must be the burrow. We landed. Just as I got off the broom Harry held his wand at my face. "What was the Christmas gift I gave you in our 3rd year?" He asked. "Harry, it's me, Y/N-" "-JUST ANSWER!" "A bracelet! With emeralds and diamonds. And a note that said, 'A special gift for a special person'" He looked into my eyes for a moment, checking to see if I was lying, then stormed towards the house. Hagrid shrugged, "It's part of procedure, making sure you aren't someone else." I gave a small smile and rushed to keep up with Harry.

"Harry...Harry!" I had to jog to keep up. "Are you mad-" "Yes Y/N! I am mad at you. But we'll talk later when Ron and Hermione arrive, and you can explain everything." He went inside. Lupin questioned him. I came inside and Lupin came towards me. "She's verified." Hagrid said. I went over to stand by Ron's mother, who gave me a hug and comforted me. 

I heard a flash and heard more people arrive. I walked to the window to see Fred and George come in, Fred supporting George onto the couch. George had lost an ear. "I'm feeling a little saint-like." George said. "And why is that?" Fred asked. "Get it? Cause I'm hole-y." I chuckled along with Fred. "Out of all the ear related humor in the world, you went with holey?" Fred teased. I saw Ron and Hermione come in. Harry ran up to them and hugged them.

People all around me were rejoicing safety and I felt oddly...alone. I saw Jack come in as well. He smiled over at me and went into the house to change. I did the same. I took a quick shower and I changed into sweatshirt and sweatpants.

I went downstairs. Mrs. Weasley handed me a tray of food. "Eat up." She smiled and pointed me to the area where Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Jack were sitting. I came and sat. Their conversation buzzed down. They all looked at me. Ron started to say something, but I interrupted him. "Please, let me explain." I said.

I told them how Draco had sort of tricked me into not only keeping a horcrux safe, but to also go along with him to the Manor. I told them how Voldemort had tried to give me the Dark Mark. I told them everything from how I had practically been kidnapped and imprisoned.

"I know it's hard to believe me but-" "I believe you." Jack smiled looking at me. I smiled back. "I do too." Hermione said as she gave me a sideways hug. Ron's face was stuffed with food, but he smiled. I looked over to Harry. "What side is Draco on?" He asked me. I pondered on his question. And honestly, I had no idea. "I don't know, but I have a feeling Draco would make the right choice in the end." I answered. Harry nodded then gave a small smile. "it's really good to have you back Y/N." His green eyes twinkled. And somehow a hole I hadn't realized that was in my heart slowly closed. I smiled, continuing to eat my food.

"So, what's the next plan?" Jack asked. Harry looked around, making sure no one was listening, then whispered, "Finding and destroying the horcruxes."

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