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short chapter but exciting stuff coming soooon....

My eyes fluttered open. I looked to my left and right and noticed that I was alone on the bed, Draco had probably left to breakfast or something. I sat up in bed and stretched. Just then the door opened. Draco struggled through the door with some kind of trolley. He hauled it in and closed the door.

He noticed that I was awake. "Oh good, you're up just in time." He pulled the trolley over next to my bed. "What is..." My voice faded as he started uncovering the plates and bowls. "Breakfast." He smiled. He pulled out a small table that fit on the bed. He placed a plate of chocolate pancakes in front of me with whip cream, maple syrup, and utensils. "Is this your form of apology?" I took a bite, "Mmm, I'll have to thank the house elves, this is delicious."

Draco moved to the other side of the bed, taking out another portable table and setting up his plate. "Actually, my dad banned the elves from making anything for you. And then I had an argument with him, blah blah blah, so now I had to not only make this for you, but for me too." He started eating his omelet. "Well that's what you get for abducting me." I teased. He laughed. "Making food in exchange to spending more time with you? I'll take that as a win-win." We finished eating in silence.

"So, what's this summer going to look like?" I asked. He shrugged. "I don't think anything interesting would happen. At least not to you." "Um Draco, Lord Voldemort is back. Nothing interesting is going to happen?" "Well, the Death Eaters are probably going to wreak havoc to the world." "You say it so casually, aren't you going to do anything to stop them?" He shrugged. "I can't really do much from here." "But you can try-" "-Please don't start-" "-But Draco you can't just-" "-I can't go against my father and that's that." Silence.

"When are we going back to Hogwarts?" I tried changing the topic. He got up and started cleaning away the plates. "Um, we're not." I froze. "What do you mean?" He put the table away. "Exactly what I said, we are not going back this year, trust me you don't even want to." I stood up. "And please do tell me, Mr. Malfoy as to why you deem it necessary that I do not attend Hogwarts." He took a deep breath. "Okay look, the Carrows are going to be teaching, and by teaching, I mean torturing. Snape is headmaster-" "-What-" "-And you don't need to learn anything more, you're fine." He rolled the trolley away and left.

I plopped back on the bed in disbelief. I was to spend the entire summer in this glorified prison. Forget that, I wasn't even allowed to go to Hogwarts.

As the days turned to weeks my boredom intensified. Draco had work with the death eaters and was rarely with me. I wasn't allowed downstairs and personally I didn't want to be. That gave me an excuse to explore every room upstairs. I saw a room full of the Malfoy's finest brooms. One of them filled with trophies. One was filled with pictures. I saw baby Draco laughing and giggling in his mother's arms. I saw toddler Draco riding on a small plastic broom. If only Draco had stayed that way, not polluted with negativity from his father.

---Time Skip to end of Summer---

I soon realized how restricted I was in the house. I couldn't stand living like this. It was already midway through August now. How much longer did I have to stay this way. Forever? A couple years? No. I would not let this happen.

Somehow, I was going to get out of here.

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