Dancing and Danger

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The Yule Ball was coming up. Malfoy's ferret incident had pretty much lost its popularity. I went on with my classes during the week. Since Malfoy still had my good robes, I was stuck wearing my shabby pairs. I had asked him in the morning, to which he replied, "I'll give them in time." and winked. I decided I would just pester him about it later.

Our classes were cut short today because Snape wanted all the Slytherin students to gather around. "The Yule Ball is coming up and I don't want the name of Salazar Slytherin to be defamed." He said. Everyone was confused, what did he mean by that? He slowly turned a record player, and out came waltzing music. "Ah let's see here, Mr. Malfoy and...Miss. Y/L/N, please come up here." I slowly walked up. "Right, now Mr. Malfoy, please put your hand on her waist, and Miss Y/L/N put your hand on his shoulder."

We slowly obliged. A blush rose up to my cheeks, I looked at anything but his face. The music played louder and Malfoy took the lead. I looked down following his steps, careful not to step on his toes. Once I thought I had the hang of it, I made the mistake of looking up. His gray eyes met mine. And for some reason, I couldn't look away. He smirked. "It's rude to stare you know." He said. "I could say the same thing to you." I said back. Suddenly he put both hands on my waist and held me up in the air, before putting me down again. A small scream of surprise escaped my lips. "What was that?" I asked breathlessly.

"Improvisation." The music stopped but we still held on. Others joined the floor, grabbing partners. Malfoy was yanked back and I saw Alethea fuming. "What do you think you're doing?" She seethed. My anger bubbled. But before I could say anything, Levin grabbed my hand and led me away. "C'mon don't worry about her." He started dancing with me.

He made little jokes about the song and made me completely forget about Alethea. I was laughing and smiling the whole time. The song ended and my face was flushed. Everyone started leaving the classroom. Levin's laugh stopped and he smiled, pulling me slightly closer. "Y/N, will you go to the ball with me?" I didn't hesitate in the moment. "Yes!" And I pulled him into a hug.

Since Alethea and I were not on speaking terms, Hermione, Luna, Ginny, Cho and I decided to  visit Hogsmead the next day to get dresses.

That night, the tutor session with Malfoy was dull. He seemed to be ignoring me, which was fine by me, I was too excited for the ball. We walked back in silence. I went to my dorm to change. I wore an oversized shirt and shorts. I sat on my bed and suddenly realized something. I needed my robe for tomorrow's trip to Hogsmead.

I couldn't walk around in the shabby one that I had been using. I crept out of my dorm. I'm sure that Malfoy would be awake right now...right? I walked up the boys dorms. Crap, I didn't know which one was his. I looked at all the doors, then spotted a black, glistening one. It had his initials on it. Of course, the Slytherin Prince had his own dorm. I knocked slightly. No one answered. I knocked again. Nothing.

Suddenly Blaise came out of his dorm which was one door to the right of Malfoy's. "Who is making all this noise-" He stopped, looking at me. "Sorry, I just needed my robe." I whispered. My mouth was dry, that sounded wrong. Blaise looked at me worried, "You look like you need some water." He went back inside and brought a glass of water. I took it thanking him. Blaise smirked mischievously. "Go ahead, it's open, just go inside and look around, I'm sure he wouldn't mind." He said. Did I dare to go in? It seemed suspicious, but Blaise smiled reassuringly and went back inside to sleep. I took a deep breath. I felt a little dizzy, but that was probably because I was sleepy. I needed my robe. I turned the handle and went inside.

The room smelled...oh so good. There was a big, king sized bed in the middle. As the moonlight was caught in his platinum blonde hair, I sighed, he was sleeping. I stumbled around the room looking for my robe. Strange...I didn't see it anywhere.  After scanning the whole room I went to the night stand near the bed. I was about to open a drawer when someone grabbed my wrist and pushed me onto the bed.

Towering over me, they put a hand over my mouth. "Who is it?" A raspy voice said. I tapped his arm that was holding my mouth shut, he slowly let go. "Y/N?" "Get off of me!" I said. He did and I sat up on the bed, brushing myself off. He chuckled and got up walking around. "Didn't know you were that desperate to get in my bed Y/N." He smiled coyly.

I stood up off the bed and crossed my arms. My eyes dropped but I held them open. I tried to ignore the fact that he was only wearing black sweatpants that slid down too much. The moonlight shining an ethereal glow on his toned abs. I threw a pillow at him, a little harder than I intended to. "Get your head out of the gutter, Malfoy, I came here for my robe." He caught the pillow with his hand. He slowly walked up to me. On instinct I walked backwards, my legs hitting the edge of the bed, and I realized I had no where to go.

As if reading my thoughts he said, "Careful there Y/N, let's not forget where you are." I gulped. I had to stay strong. "My robe, Malfoy." I whined. He gave a breathy chuckle that brought back the butterflies. "Yeah, hold on." He went inside the bathroom. I released the breath that I didn't know I was holding in. I tapped my foot in anticipation. The room was getting dizzier. I sat back down on the bed. My head was hurting now as lights flashed before my eyes. Blaise. The water. Oh no. I thought before I blacked out.

I'm so sorry she faints so much, it's gonna happen more but I didn't realize it until I wrote all the chapters, she stops at the end of year 4 (that's when i realized i made her faint too much haha). So please just stick with it for now and I once again apologize:)

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