They get jealous

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°°°~Koshi Sugawara~ 

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~Koshi Sugawara

You were hanging out with Sugawara about to go watch a movie at the theater, you were in line getting the tickets while Suga was getting the snacks.

You got the tickets and went to go find Suga when some girls came up to you, "Hey their handsome, here alone maybe you and us can watch a movie?" they asked surrounding you.  

You were about to respond when someone stood in front of you, "Sorry but I'm his boyfriend and we have to go," Suga said grabbing your hand and pulling you away. You followed behind with a confused face.  

We got to a secluded place in the movie theaters with not many people, "Why didn't you say no to them?" he crossed his arms looking at me with that scary glare of his.

 "I was about to, but you came, it's no big deal, let's just go yeah?" You grabbed his hand, he nodded giving you a kiss before going. 


~Tobio Kageyama

Since you were Karasunos volleyball manager you attended the game against Aoba Johsai. After the game and you guys were getting ready to board the bus standing around when a certain pretty setter came up to you.

"Hey there handsome~~" Oikawa greeted you, you looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "Hi?" 

"I don't think I got your name~" 

"Oh its (Y/N)?" 

"Maybe we can meet up sometime hot stuff~~" he suggested leaning in, "(Y/N)!" Coach called you, you excused yourself and hurried away, as you were about to enter Kageyama turned to you.

"Boke!" he yelled then entered the bus, you stood there before going after him, "Wait Kageyama!" 

You didn't get kisses for a week 


~Toru Oikawa~ 

Oikawa and you were at your house hanging out and cuddling each other, you got up to go get snacks and left the room. 

After some time you still hadn't come back, Oikawa whined before heading to the kitchen, when he entered, he saw you hugging and playing with your dog in the kitchen, he huffed and crossed his arm.  

"What are you doing? Why are you taking so long?" he asked glaring at the dog, you looked over and stood upright again.

"Sorry I guess I got distracted," You said grabbing the snacks and heading upstairs, when you didn't hear him following you saw him crouching down having a staring contest with your dog. 

"Are you jealous of ... a dog?" you asked, he immediately stood up, "NO!" he claimed stomping upstairs. 

You just rolled your eyes following behind him. 


~Kenma Kozume

  You were waiting for Kenma at the park sitting on the bench, you were scrolling through your phone with your headphones in when someone tapped your shoulder.

You looked up to see a short blushing boy, "Excuse me I was just wondering if I can have your number?" he asked.  

Someone grabbed your shoulders, looking over you saw Kenma giving you eye signals, you looked back at the boy, "Sorry but I'm in a relationship," you smiled.  

He quickly apologized bowing his head and walking away, you then turned back to Kenma, "Hey baby ready to go?" you asked. He nodded and stood up beginning to walk, this confused you since he was a bit more social with you.

You followed him grabbing his hand, "Hey is something wrong?" You asked, he shook his head again, you looked at him for a while before it clicked.  

You gave him a big hug, "Hey baby you have no reason to jealous of him," you said. He pushed away from you, "I know, and I wasn't jealous," he continued walking, you just laughed and followed him. 


~Keiji Akaashi

Akaashi and you were talking as you both waked towards the gym since you were dropping him off at practice.

You both stood by the opened door saying your goodbyes when someone jumped on you hanging off your neck.

You nearly fell but got your balance back to see Bokuto hugging you, you smiled and hugged him back, "Hi Bokuto nice to see you again," you said putting him down. 

 "HEY, HEY, HEY! (Y/N)! Haven't seen you in a loooonnnnggggg time," he exaggerated, you just smiled and nodded, "Bokuto-san I think practice is beginning in a little " Akaashi interrupted, he nodded and ran back in the gym. 

You turned back to Akaashi to see him looking down a little, you put his heads back up and smiled, "You ok?" he just nodded smiling as well, "Bokuto-san is very affectionate towards you." 

You just chuckled and kissed him, "He's just like that's its ok though, I'll see you later?" He smiled and nodded kissing you again walking back in the gym.


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