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Dani's Age: 17
It was a nice night as Dani quickly began to get ready to go have some fun with her friends, not knowing where she is going yet.

She could see out of the corner of her eye that Lauren was watching her with a little bit of worry in her eyes but she just shrugged it off and finished her makeup.

"Are you sure that you should be going out with your friends?" Lauren asks fairly softly to Dani. "Yeah, i'll be fine I trust my friends." Dani simply says.

Lauren looks down at her bed and couldn't help but still worry about her as Dani hears a honk outside and she knew that it was her friends so she grabs her bag quickly and leaves without saying goodbye to Lauren or the rest.

Dani quickly got in the car with her 3 other friends and the one who's driving them drove away from the house as they talk on the way to the location they are going to.

It took 10 minutes before they arrived at a nightclub and Dani looks at it with confusion and a hint of worry as well. "Why are we here? We aren't old enough to go in." Dani says.

"That's why we got fake ID's but don't let your snobby strict sisters find out." Maggie one of the girls says and gives her the ID which Dani looks at with shock and more worry now.

"I can't pretend i'm over 21." She says and looks at the others but they roll their eyes and get out and before she can say anything she can feel herself get pulled out of the car.

She struggles as she is dragged to the club and they show all the ID's to the man who lets them past as they drag Dani inside the club no matter how much she struggles.

When they get inside the first thing that they hear is loud music playing throughout the club as people dance and drink and just the sight of it gives Dani chills down her spine.

She is pulled right away to a booth where her friends orders drinks and they order one for her even though she said she didn't want to drink anything.

She could feel her friends on each side of her since she is right in the middle of them which makes it impossible  for her to sneak away.

A few minutes pass then they come back with their drinks which the other girls drink pretty quickly and the girls chant for her to drink it, pressuring her until she caves and does.

The girls cheer when she does and Dani could feel a slight burning feeling in her throat from the drink and they order more and take drink after drink until they are all drunk.

Dani stumbles around and she began dancing with her friends but soon they go back to their table and drink some more and soon stumble out and to their car.

They all get in and Dani's friend Sara starts driving while they listen to music loudly while she did, not caring about anything or that Sara is also drunk

Their fun though is cut short when they see a big truck heading towards them and they scream as their friend driving swerves only to go off road and make the car go spinning down a hill.

Soon it is stopped by a tree and all of them were unconscious but the big truck driver luckily went and found them and called 911 for it as well.

Soon the ambulance arrives along with police and others and they manage to get the others out but when they pulled out Dani they could see her neck and head in an odd angle.

"She's dead." The paramedic holding her says then drags her up and lays her down on the road before putting a sheet over her head while paramedics did the same to the rest of her friends.

Meanwhile the other girls were at home but were confused when they saw an ambulance pass by only to stop not too far from town along with police.

They got their shoes on along with their jackets and head where they saw the police and ambulance go but they were shocked at the sight.

On the ground laid 5 bodies with sheets over their heads and a vehicle down the hill which looks to be very smashed at this point.

As they watched police talking they can hear the mentions of underaged girls driving while intoxicated which is what caused the car accident.

They could feel the wind blowing past them and blowing against the sheets when one lifts up and they all gasp when they see Dani is laying dead under one of them.

"Dani!" They yell and rush over only to be stopped by the police. "Can I help you?" The police asks. "Our sister is one of the girls in that crash!" Christina says.

He looks at them before nodding and moving out of the way so they go over to her and kneel down and tears gather in their eyes at the sight of their dead little sister.

It was only a moment before Lauren began crying so Lisa hugs her as tears silently go down her own cheeks as she tries not to cry as well.

They had a funeral for her not too long after her death and they gathered all of their family as and tears were shed as well during the funeral.

Lauren was especially sad and depressed during the funeral as she had been very close to her sister, best friend and her spice and remembers the talk they had before Dani had left.

Once the funeral was over they went home but they were quiet for a while as they were still mourning and very sad still and they even quit singing and didn't make any videos.

They knew that Cimorelli would never be the same without Dani but it just didn't feel right continuing with the band knowing that Dani is gone...

End Of Oneshot

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2020 ⏰

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