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Dani's Age: 17
Dani's POV:
I wake up early in the morning, earlier than when I usually wake up. I look at the clock to see it's only 5 am so I go on my phone but I immediately regret it.

When I get on my phone I see a bunch of hate against me and saying that I shouldn't be in the band. I set down my phone and try to go back to sleep but fail because of the haters.

I sigh and get up, sneaking to the bathroom to not wake up Lauren and Lisa who are sleeping not far from her bed. Once I get to the bathroom I quietly turn on the light then close the door.

After I sit down only to see Lisa's razor sitting there so I grab it and remove the blade and cut my arm, wincing a little but then after I feel a sudden rush of happiness when I do it.

I cut 10 more times, watching as the blood runs down but I feel dizzy because of it and a moment later I realize the mistake I made by not locking the door when I hear a scream.

I look over to see Katherine standing there, looking shocked and worried. I set down the blade and try to get up only to fall back over, dizzy from blood loss but I feel her catch me.

"It'll be ok Dani." Katherine says then I hear rushed footsteps. "What's going on?" I hear Christina say then screams as well, making the others wake but they freak out when they see me as well.

Before I know it my eyes close and I hear them panicking more before everything fades away...

Katherine's POV:
I panic when she passes out and I know that the others are panicking as well. I find a towel so I grab it and press it to her wrist, making her move a little which helps me know she's alive.

I continue pressing it on her wrist but when I see blood soaking through the towel I start crying in fear. "Christina! The blood is soaking through the towel, what do I do?" I ask, panicking.

"Keep pressing they are almost here." Christina says, crying as well and the other girls I know are crying as well. Soon enough the ambulance arrives so Christina goes to let them in.

Only a moment later they are up here and moving her onto a stretcher. Once she's on they rush out so we all pile into cars and go to the hospital.

We are forced to wait in the waiting room sadly for results on Dani. I look at my pajamas that now have blood on them from Dani's wrists, making me breath fast in panic.

I feel myself get hugged so I look to see it's Christina hugging me to comfort me but it doesn't help much since I have blood all over my pajamas from Dani's blood.

Soon we see a doctor come out. "Danielle Cimorelli." The doctor says so we all stand up. "She lost a lot of blood so she's weak but she should be ok." The doctor says, I nod.

We all are escorted to her room where we sit but I sit right next to her and hold her hand, waiting for her to wake up. It's 7 am before she wakes up but the wait was worth it.

"W..What happened?" She asks softly, looking at me since i'm the only one awake now. "You cut yourself Dan, why?" I ask her, she looks down.

"I was getting hated on badly on twitter and I couldn't take it." She says softly, I sigh. "That's why we don't look at it to avoid any hate we get." I say, she nods.

After the others wake when they hear Dani and we begin talking for a while until she falls asleep we the doctor comes in, making us turn to him.

"We are going to have to keep her here for a while to make sure that she is stable physically and mentally." The doctor says, Christina simply nods.

She is kept there for a week to make sure but we visited her everyday and when it became the day that she can come home we all went together.

When we arrived at the hospital we saw Dani standing outside the hospital, looking down so Lauren gets out and goes to her.

"You ok?" Lauren asks, making Dani look up at her and she smiles a little and nods. "Yeah, just waiting for you guys." Dani says.

Lauren helps her up and they walk to the van holding hands and they talk the way home and it was like everything went back to normal.

End Of Oneshot

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