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Dani's Age: 17
It was a normal day as Dani walks down the halls of school with her bag and a couple of her books in her hand as she walks towards her locker.

A month before school started she decided to switch to regular school to try it since they were new to Nashville and she was hoping it would help her make friends.

She luckily managed to make 3 friends but she also sadly has to also deal with bullies who like to make fun of her because of the fact that she has a large family and bully her for other stuff to.

As she gets to her locker and opens it some guys approach her and surround her. "Hey Danielle, you getting your stuff to go home to your circus of a family?" One of them named Josh asks.

"Not today Josh, I am not in the mood." Dani says as bravely as she can while getting her books out but she is violently turned so she's forced to face him, scaring her a little.

"What did you just say to me? I never said you could talk to me like that but I guess that you are too stupid to understand me!" He says, laughing and his friends laugh as well.

"I understand you but maybe your small brain won't understand me." Dani says, receiving a little laughter from the other guys but she yelps when she feels a pain form on her cheek.

"I said that you can't talk to me like that, get her!" Josh yells and pushes her against the locker and they begin punching her until she collapses.

Once she's on the floor they laugh and walk away, leaving her on the floor and she winces, getting up and she finishes grabbing her books and heads to the bathroom.

She looks in the mirror and sees the damage they did, knowing that she won't be able to cover it so she uses her hoodie to hide her face and she walks home since school's over.

Once she gets home she walks right past her sisters who are in the kitchen, talking and heads upstairs to her room.

Once she's in she takes off her stuff and goes to the bathroom attached to her room and cleans up the bruises and cuts on her face then puts her hood up again.

Once she's sure no one can see her face she heads out of her room, going to the stairs but stops when she hears talking so she hides behind a wall, listening.

"I am worried about Dani being in the band right now, she's slacking because of school." Christina says, shocking her but she stays quiet and continues to listen.

"I know, since she's gone to real school she doesn't sing or hang out with us as much." Lauren says, making her tear up and she runs back to her room, closing her door again.

She then runs to her bed, laying on it as she began to sob into her pillows and she shakes from how hard she's sobbing but she tries to be as quiet as she can.

Once she was calmed down she got her homework from her bag, beginning to do it and 2 hours pass of it when she hears the sound of the door opening so she keeps her head down.

"Spice it's movie night." Lauren says. "Not tonight.." Dani says, trying to hide the fact that she's sad. "You ok? You have been distant since you started school." Lauren says.

"I'm fine." She says grumpily. "I can tell when you're not Dani." Lauren says, crossing her arms, making Dani huff. "I said i'm fine I just don't want to!" Dani yells, shocking Lauren.

Lauren simply nods before she made her way downstairs and sat down, sad and also worried about Dani is acting the way she is but she doesn't tell her sisters right now.

The next day comes fast and Dani was in school when her locker was slammed shut, making her jump and she turns to see Josh and his group standing there.

"What's wrong Danielle? Afraid? You should be." He says and his friends laugh but Dani doesn't answer, making him hit the locker next to her to maker her jump again.

"Answer me!" He yells after he hits the locker and it makes her jump then she began shaking but didn't answer him, getting a slap because of it that makes her yelp.

"Get the pathetic girl." Josh says so his friends go closer to her and begins to beat her up then holds her up by her arms and Josh punches her stomach a couple times.

During the whole thing she yelped in pain and also cried a little bit from the pain but luckily it's enough to get a teacher's attention. "What is going on here?!" A teacher yells.

"To the principals office now!" The teacher yells, making them drop her and Josh and his friends go to the principals office. "Get her to the nurse." The teacher says then follows them.

Dani could feel herself being carried to the nurses office but it was hard for her to stay conscious at this point from how badly she was beaten by them.

The nurse was shocked by the state of Dani and began caring for her right away while the students who brought her went to class.

Once the nurse finishes helping Dani she dialed the number of Christina and it rung twice before Christina answered the phone. "Hello?" Christina asks.

"Hello this is the nurse at Nashville High, i'm calling about Dani." The nurse says, shocking Christina. "What happened?" Christina asks, confusing the other girls.

"I'm afraid that she got beat up by some boys, it looks like she will be ok but I recommend picking her up because she will need rest." The nurse says.

"Ok, i'm on my way." Christina says before hanging up and she looks to see her sisters looking at her with confusion on their faces. "Dani got beat up." Christina simply says.

They gasp in shock at the news and nod, about to get up and go with her to the car but Christina stops her. "Let me handle this." Christina says before going to the car.

Christina drove fairly quickly to the school and once she got there she made her way to the nurses office, knocking on the door. "Come in." The nurse says.

She enters and goes over to the nurse. "Aw good you're here, she is awake and ready to go, I told her what happened already as well." The nurse explains, Christina nods.

Christina looks to see Dani sitting on the edge of the bed with her head down and her backpack to her chest so Christina walks over but was shocked at what she saw.

Dani had a black eye along with a busted lip and bruises on her cheeks and jaw and Christina could also see bruises on her arms under the makeup Dani has on them.

"You ok Dani?" Christina softly asks to not scare her and Dani simply nods before she slowly stood up and made her way outside with Christina following.

Once they got in the car Christina looked straight ahead, not starting the car yet which confuses Dani and also worried Dani a little bit as well.

"Why didn't you tell us that you are getting bullied Dani or tell a teacher that you were? We could of helped you with them if you had told us." Christina says softly.

Dani sighs softly, figuring she might as well tell her. "I was afraid to tell you because I didn't know what you would say and do and I didn't know if you would be mad." Dani says.

"Why would I get mad? I would be mad the guys but not you, I would be happy if you had told me sooner so you wouldn't have gotten beat up as bad as you did." Christina says.

Dani nods a little bit. "I'm sorry." Dani says softly. "It's ok but please tell us next time." Christina says, leaning over and hugging Dani who hugs her back.

"I will, I promise." Dani says softly with a small smile then Christina pulled away and drove them home with them talking about different stuff on the way home.

After that she manages to recover and go back to school and she kept her promise of telling her sisters whenever she got bullied be she also managed to do school and band well.

End Of Oneshot

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