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Dani's Age: 20
Years ago they Christina, Katherine, Lisa, Amy and Lauren started Cimorelli and when Dani became old enough she joined the band as well and they have been going since.

They created many songs such as "You're Worth It." "Worth The Fight." "Made In America." and "Renegade." which were famous songs and loved by many fans and they've been on many tours as well.

But as Dani reached the age of 20 their concerts, songs and videos have slowed down as they get more busy with their own personal life like Christina is expecting, Katherine is expecting and is planning her wedding.

Lisa has gotten a boyfriend along with Amy and Lauren and Dani is still happily dating her boyfriend. One day it was a nice day and they were hanging out when Christina calls a family meeting.

As the sisters gather she sighs and looks at her sisters. "I have called this meeting because I have an announcement.." She says with a frown, worrying her other sisters.

"I am afraid that I have to leave the band.." Christina says, making them gasp. "What? Why do you have to leave the band?" Dani asks in shock. "I have to focus on my baby and my husband." Christina says.

"So do I so I have to leave to.." Katherine says and the others look shocked but also sad. "I think we should retire because we are busy with our own lives that we barely make music or videos." Christina says, they slowly nod.

Once they make the decision they make the video and there were tears during it since it's heartbreaking that they ending the band after many years.

Once it's uploaded they instantly get comments but don't read it and they share a hug before they go to their own homes since they're done hanging out now.

Once they're home they go back to their normal lives with their new and for some their growing lives as Christina and Katherine prepare for a baby.

End Of Oneshot

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