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Dani's Age: 17
95 Pounds that's how much Dani weighs right now but she still feels fat, she thinks she needs to loose more weight so she exercises and tries not to eat when she can.

When she's changing her sisters notice how skinny she has become, they can see her ribs stick out of her skin and she's lucky her ribs don't break through and they are getting very worried about her.

One day Dani is getting on her exercise stuff and her phone, going out for a run but halfway through she feels very dizzy and she collapses and her breaths feel short and painful, no matter how much she tries she can't catch it.

She manages to reach for her phone but it's hard to read from her very blurry vision. She manages to find one of her contacts and calls them and she's relieved to hear Lauren's voice after only 1 ring.

"Hey Dan, what's up?" Lauren asks but gets worried when she hears heavy and fast breathing. "Dani? what's wrong?" She asks, nothing but she ends up getting her sisters attention.

"Dani don't move ok we'll come find you and i'll track your phone." Lauren says then hangs up and tracks it. "Guys we need to find Dani it sounded like she couldn't breath." Lauren says, shocking them and they nod.

They quickly go to her location but gasp when they see her on the ground, barely conscious and struggling to breath they are paralyzed in shock. Lauren comes out of it only a moment later and runs to her and leans down to her.

She puts Dani's head in her lap, not caring about the sweat on her from trying to exercise. "Call 911!" She says to her sisters, snapping them out of it and they surround Dani and Christina calls 911.

All of their sisters are worried and some are crying in worry for her especially Lauren since she is closest to her and seeing her getting sick hasn't been helping. Soon enough the ambulance comes and takes her away.

They follow behind in their cars and when they arrive they wait in the waiting room and pray that she is going to be ok. An hour passes before they see a doctor come out and the doctor goes to them.

"How is she?" Christina asks, standing up and the other sisters follow. "Dani had just passed out from exhaustion and dehydration along with starvation, it looks like she's been starving herself for months." The doctor says.

"We want to keep her here until we think she's at a weight where we won't worry about something like this happening again and also make sure her mental state is better as well." The doctor says, they nod.

The doctor lets them see them but it's hard to look at her because of how small she looks and how fragile she looks as well. They all gather around her and talk while waiting and soon Dani starts to stir.

Once her eyes open they are relived to see her green eyes. "W..What happened?" She manages to ask. "You collapsed while exercising, Dani we know you were starving yourself, why?" Lauren asks, near tears.

Dani looks at Lauren with a frown then starts crying. "I wanted to look beautiful and not feel fat." Dani says. "You're not fat and you are beautiful." Lauren says then hugs Dani who hugs back.

They visit her everyday for 2 weeks until they get the news that she can go home tomorrow so they make a banner for her for when she gets home along with decorations for a welcome home party for Dani.

Christina leaves to pick her up and they finish decorating and soon they hear the sound of a car pulling up so they quickly turn off the lights and wait and they see Christina helping her in since she has some walking issues.

She developed some issues with walking due to her weight loss which is getting better but she still needs help so she has walking sticks and a wheelchair to help her get around until she is strong enough to walk on her own.

As soon as their inside and Christina turns on the light they jump up happily. "Surprise! Welcome home!" They all say together and Dani gasps. "You guys! Thank you so much!" She says and they hug her.

"We're just so glad you're ok and you've made it this far." Lauren says, Dani nods and they have a nice party for her and are happy to see her eat when it becomes dinner time and soon the party is over and they go to bed...

End Of One Shot

Dani Cimorelli One Shots [EDITING]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin