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Dani's Age: 12
It was a busy day in Time Square as the sisters walk down the streets, enjoying a nice day of exploring New York City and it's different stuff there.

Dani stops and looks at the different billboards in Time Square but when she looks back she doesn't see her sisters so she looks around for them but fails to find them.

She gets a call so she grabs her phone from her pocket and looks to see it's Christina so she quickly answers the phone. "Christina?" Dani says, panicking a little.

"Dani where are you?" Christina asks, sounding worried and upset. "I don't know I just stopped to look at the billboards and when I looked you were gone!" Dani says.

"Ok Dani stay calm do you see the Subway?" Christina asks so Dani looks around until she sees it. "I see it." Dani says. "Good now head there and we'll meet you there." Christina says.

"O..Ok." She says and slowly heads that way while staying on the phone with her sisters. "Dani, Christina told me you're panicking so she gave me the phone." Lauren says.

"I..I'm scared sugar." Dani says as she walks down the street towards Subway. "It's ok Spice we're on our way to and we think we see you." Lauren says.

"Ok Sugar." She says and she suddenly bumps into a tall man, making her drop her phone and when she goes to grab it he steps on it, breaking it. "Hey!" Dani says.

He grabs her arms, making her start panicking again. "You're coming with me for that." He says and starts dragging her away from Subway and away from her sisters.

She's taken to a local cop and when he explains it he makes her sound like a criminal so she is taken to the cop car and put in the back, making her start crying a little.

When they get to the police station she explains what happened so they let her sit in a room so she's safe and give her a phone so that she can call her sisters.

She decides to call Christina since she doesn't know if her other sisters have their phones and it only takes 2 rings before Christina answers the phone.

"Hello?" Christina says, sounding panicked herself now. "C..Christina." Dani softly says, her voice hoarse from crying. "Dani! Where are you?" Christina asks.

"A man got mad I ran into him, smashed my phone then took me a cop and I was taken to the police station." Dani explains and she can hear talking in the background.

"Ok Dani, stay calm we're getting a cab there and we'll meet up with you there, ok?" Christina says. "Ok Chrissy, i'm scared." Dani says.

"It's ok the cops will watch you until we get there so just stay where you are." Christina explains. "Ok Chrissy." Dani says then hangs up before giving the phone back.

Soon she hears talking then footsteps but she assumes it's just cops since that's all she's been hearing since she got here but it's different when the door opens and reveals her sisters.

She immediately gets up and runs to them and they share a group hug, happy to see each other. "You ok Spice?" Lauren asks while holding her still.

"Yeah just a little shaken up." Dani says and smiles weakly which relieves them and they take her back to the hotel so she can rest and they can spend time together.

End Of Oneshot

Dani Cimorelli One Shots [EDITING]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin