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Dani's Ages: 4, 14
It was a cold fall day as the sisters walk down the streets of Nashville Tennessee since they don't have anything to do today so they're just walking around.

Lauren is quiet though since today is the 10th year anniversary of Dani being taken by a mysterious woman and they haven't found her yet sadly.

As they continue walking a girl in a hoodie starts walking by them but they don't pay any attention of it that is until she grabs Lauren's purse and runs.

"My purse!" Lauren says and points at the girl and they run after the girl but it's hard to catch up to her since she's a really fast runner.

They luckily soon manage to catch up to her and they tackle her to the ground and Lauren is able to grab her purse back and Christina turns the thief around.

When they turn her they are shocked to see Dani there but she looks scared about being caught and worried that she will end up getting arrested because she is a thief.

"Dani?" Lauren asks, shocked and the others look shocked as well. "I'm sorry for stealing just please don't call the cops I just need money for food." Dani says, panicking more.

"We're not going to call the cops Dani." Amy says, the others nod. "H..How do you know my name?" Dani asks, looking confused but when she continues to look she realizes.

"G..Guys? N..No way." She says, getting up and backing away and when they try to go to her she runs away but they let her to not freak her out.

It takes another month before they see Dani walk by them slowly but she bumps into Lauren while she's not paying attention since she's too in thought about Dani.

When she's bumped into though she is taken out of her thoughts and she sees her walk by but she stays quiet, not wanting to make her run away again.

She looks in her purse for her money to see how much she has but she finds none and she looks everywhere in it but finds known and she knows she brought some.

"Guys my money's gone." Lauren says to them then they look to see Dani is still walking but looks to have money in her pocket. "She took it from me when she bumped me!" Lauren says.

"Great our little sister is now a thief." Christina says, sighing. Lauren goes after Dani with the sisters following and they end up in an alley where they see Dani laying on the ground.

The only thing they can see Dani has is a wore out blanket that has many holes in it so it can't be too warm and she's curled up, trying to stay warm but struggling to.

Lauren takes off her sweatshirt and she goes over to Dani then she lays the sweatshirt on her to help her warm up which helps a little bit since she stops shivering a little.

Dani looks up to see who is helping her to see Lauren and she gets up and looks at Lauren, unsure if it's really her older sister or not which makes her a little skeptical and nervous.

"L..Lolo?" She nervously asks since she remembers Lauren's nickname she was given so she knows that if she responds to the nickname it's really her sister.

"Yes Dan?" Lauren asks softly, making Dani's eyes widen and she hugs Lauren which she responds by hugging back with a smile and when they pull away she leads her out of the alley.

When they go out they are met by the other sisters and Dani sees them and smiles and they all go take turns hugging Dani since it's been so long since they all saw her.

"Oh here Lolo, sorry I took it.." Dani says and gives Lauren her money. "It's ok Dani, you needed it but you can come back home with us." Lauren says with a smile.

Dani nods and follows the others home, talking to them on the way and making some jokes but overall seems to be normal again overall which Lauren's glad about.

When they get home Lauren shows her around then gets her a change of clothes which is just her own and gives it to Dani so she can take a shower if she wants to.

While she showers Lauren goes downstairs where they discuss dinner but soon they hear footsteps on the stairs so they look to see Dani standing there.

Lauren notices that she looks a little nervous so she gestures her over so Dani listens and goes over to them, sitting by Lauren and they continue to discuss about dinner.

It takes a while for her to get used to being back home but she soon got used to being with her sisters again and she opens up more which the sisters are happy about.

End Of Oneshot

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