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Dani's Ages, 3, 17
Lauren walks down the hall with a box of Christina's photos only to trip on a shoe and fall down, dropping the box and spilling out the photos inside.

While Lauren goes to clean them up she spots a picture of Christina holding a baby and on the back it says Christina's age and also says Danielle Cimorelli on it.

Memories cross her mind of Dani and how she only got to know Dani up to the age of 3 before she got taken away by someone and she hasn't seen her since.

A couple tears go down her cheeks but she wipes them away when she hears footsteps coming her way and she continues to pick up the photos.

"You ok?" Lisa asks her. "Yeah I just tripped on a shoe and spilled the photos." Lauren says but Lisa can tell something is wrong so she leans down and helps Lauren.

While she does she spots the photo as well, making her frown and she guesses what that it's the photo of Dani that upset her since Lauren and Dani are closest in age.

It traumatized Lisa a lot as well since she was playing with Dani outside when it happened and she blames herself everyday that she wasn't able to save her.

Suddenly they can hear the door barge open downstairs. "Guys!" Amy yells from downstairs so they get up and head downstairs to see why Amy all of a sudden yelled and burst inside.

"What's up Amy?" Lauren asks with confusion and worry on her face as the rest of the sisters gather around. "I..saw...Dani." Amy manages to say, out of breath.

"What? No way she went missing years ago Amy you probably saw someone like her." Christina says. "No I saw a poster of a concert with her name on it." Amy says.

She grabs the poster from her pocket and shows them and they're shocked to see it. "Come see Dani Larson in concert now! Tickets limited so hurry and get one!" It says.

"We have to get into that concert." Lisa says. "Yeah, i'll go book the tickets." Katherine says and hurries away to book them before it gets sold out.

"Good job Amy." Lauren says, making Amy smile more that she was able to help, she may act happy despite the fact her sister went missing but deep down she is just as sad.

She was looking out the window when she saw Dani get taken, she tried to tell her mom but by the time she did it was too late and she got traumatized by it.

They all in ways witnessed her get taken and were all traumatized by it but Lisa and Lauren were the worst out of them all and even after years passed they still weren't over it.

"I got the VIP tickets for her concert so we get to meet her before the concert!" Katherine announces, making the others cheer in joy that they'll get to see her.

The next day is the concert so they get ready since they have to go see her before it starts and once they're all ready they gather into the van and head to the concert.

When they arrive they get their VIP passes and they go down the VIP line which luckily doesn't have any people so they will be able to see her in no time.

They are brought inside and they follow a staff down the halls until they reach a room that says VIP on it and they go inside, sitting down while waiting.

soon they can hear talking and footsteps outside the door and it sounds like what Dani would sound like now and it makes Lauren and Lisa nervous.

The door opens and Dani walks in with a smile and they are shocked to see her looking so grown up now and she giggles at a joke one of her friends say.

"Yeah right Arianna." Dani says then looks at them, making them stand up. "Hey. guys i'm Dani, nice to meet you and i'm glad you could make it to my concert." Dani says.

"Do you recognize us?" Lauren asks softly and Dani looks confused. "No, should I remember you guys at all?" She asks, making Lauren look down that she doesn't remember her.

"I'm Christina, I'm Katherine, I'm Lisa, I'm Amy and i'm Lauren." They say one by one and Dani looks a little bit confused but also a little shocked yet hesitant.

"You guys seem familiar." She says softly then hears her name being called. "I have to go to my concert so a staff will bring you to the VIP section." Dani says.

Dani walks away without another word and a staff member brings them to the VIP section which luckily is right by the stage so they're very close to Dani.

"Hey guys i'm Dani Larson and thank you all for coming to my concert!" Dani says, getting tons of cheers from the audience including her sisters.

"I would like to dedicate this song to my sisters, When I was only 3 years old I got taken away from them and I may of not found them yet but I know I will someday." Dani says.

She then begins singing her song and halfway through Dani starts tearing up which makes all of them tear up at the song since it's an emotional song.

When she finishes she wipes away her tears and they do they do the same then she goes back to the mic stand and she sniffles a little as well.

"Before the concert I met 5 girls in the VIP area who have the same names as my sisters and told me they are my sisters and I never told anyone before tonight about my story." She says.

"So I would like to introduce my sisters so when I call your names come on stage." Dani says then one by one they are called on stage until it's only Lauren left.

"And my final sister Lauren or as I used to call her, Laur!" Dani says and Lauren comes out and shyly waves then hugs Dani who hugs back.

"Hello we are the Cimorelli sisters when she was 3 I was playing outside with her when a man was passing by and he snatched her then ran away." Lisa explains, tearing up.

"I was in the window watching them when I saw it so I let our parents know but by the time they got outside he was gone with her." Amy says, looking down.

"I was riding my tricycle since I was only 5 years old when she got taken and he knocked me over while running, hurting my leg in the process." Lauren explains.

"I was upstairs with Katherine and I was coloring with her but I saw her look out the window and I looked in time that we both saw her get taken." Christina explains.

"I'm glad to be with my sisters again and after the concert we have a lot of catching up to do but for now who's ready for my next song?" Dani asks, getting tons of cheers.

"Sing along if you know the song!" She says and she begins singing and luckily since the girls had been listening to her songs since they found out they know the song.

They sing along as best as they can to Dani and the audience does as well but with the sisters all together it sounds like a perfect harmony for the song.

Once the song she talks for a minute and repeats until the concert is over where she goes backstage with her sisters and she changes then all go to a restaurant to catch up.

End Of Oneshot
I was thinking of making a book like this but a bit different than this but I want your opinions on if I should?

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