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Dani's Age: 16, Lauren's Age: 18
It was a Friday night in Texas as the Cimorelli sisters get ready for their concert and they're excited to perform for their fans but Lauren quickly goes down the hall to go to the bathroom before the concert.

But once she gets to the sinks there's a loud rumble and screams. she sees the walls around her cracking, making her nervous so she runs out to see fire down the hall so she hurries the other way.

A firefighter finds her and tries to get her out but she manages to get free and runs to the stage only to see a lot of wreckage. "Christina, Katherine, Lisa, Amy, Dani?!" She yells as she searches for them.

She soon sees a hand under a large piece of the roof and she looks to see it's Lisa and she's on Amy from trying to protect Amy from the debris but Amy still died which makes Lauren sad.

She continues searching after and finds Christina dead near Katherine, halfway under a beam and sees Katherine dead, impaled into the wall by a sharp pipe. "No.." She says, collapsing and she looks around for Dani but doesn't see her anywhere.

She hears a groan somewhere so she goes looking for the source until she sees Dani under a beam, impaled but is alive, but barely as she bleeds out fast from the wound so she rushes over to Dani.

"Dani, Dani you're going to be ok just stay with me." She says and tries to yell for help but stops when she feels a hand on her leg so she looks to see Dani's eyes open.

"Dani, you'll be ok." She says but Dani shakes her head. "I..I'm going Lauren.." Dani manages to say but Lauren shakes her head. "No, please don't go you're the only sister left." She says, starting to cry.

"I'm sorry Lauren..I love you sis.." Dani manages to say softly. "I love you to Dan.." She says softly and soon Dani goes limp, making her start crying but she hears creaking and she looks to see a beam coming her way.

She yelps but when it hits it only hurts for a moment then the pain goes away. It's not long before their bodies are found and the fans mourn over the loss of the sisters but the sisters died together and doing what they love..

End Of Oneshot

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