Frozen Lake

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Dani's Age: 15
Dani's POV:
I sit on the couch trying to think of something to do since it's winter it's cold outside and the lakes are frozen. I then remember the frozen lake nearby and get an idea.

"Guys I have an idea of what to do!" I yell to them, getting them to come downstairs. "Really, what?" Katherine asks. "How about we go ice skating?" I ask.

"That sounds fun!" Christina says and the others agree so we go as fast as we can to get ready then I bring them to the frozen lake where we put on our skates.

Soon enough we're on the ice skating and having fun but Christina keeps telling us to be careful since we don't know if it's frozen enough.

After she says that I hear a crack by my foot. "Guys!" I say and look at the crack and see it spread. "Hurry off the ice!" Christina yells and they quickly get off the ice.

When I try to get off the ice it cracks more, making me shake. "Dani hurry!" I hear Katherine say. "I can't, if I move it cracks more." I say and look at them, afraid.

I can tell they're worried but are trying to hide it to avoid me getting more scared. "Ok Dani, try moving slowly towards us." Lisa says, I nod and look down again.

I slowly take a step and see another little crack on the ice but I keep taking slow steps until I see ice starting to crack around me, making me instantly freeze.

"Guys I can't move, if I do i'm going to fall." Dani says with a shaky voice and when she looks up at her sisters she can see fear in their eyes which doesn't help her.

"It will be ok Dani, we have to find a way to get to her." Christina says, they nod and try to find ways to get to her but struggle to find any.

"What do we do?" Lauren asks, worried about her spice falling into the ice cold water. "I.." Christina says, looking between Dani and her other sisters.

"I don't know." She says which surprised everyone since she usually always has an idea or plan so the rest have to try and figure out a plan to get her off the ice.

When they fail to get an idea Dani tries to take another step only to make more cracks but she keeps slowly walking to them despite it to try and get to them.

As she gets close to them the ice cracks a lot around her and only a moment later it breaks under her, sending her plummeting into the ice cold water.

"Dani!" They yell and begun panicking and Dani emerges from the water for a moment which makes Lauren rush over despite the risk and grabs her hands, trying to get her out.

Lauren cries out when Dani ends up going back under and she keeps trying to pull her up but it gets harder when soon Dani goes limp but she soon manages to pull her out.

When she gets her out they gasp to see she's very pale now and her lips are turning blue so she carefully brings her to the others and luckily the ice doesn't break anymore.

Once she gets Dani to them they quickly pick her up and work together to get Dani to the car and Katherine holds Dani's limp body on the way while Christina drives.

On the way Katherine was looking at a limp and very pale Dani with tears in her eyes at the fact that she might loose her sisters and the others were feeling the same.

When they arrive they get out and Katherine quickly goes inside with the others following and she calls for help which gets doctors and nurses attention.

Next thing they know 4 doctors go to them with a gurney and get Dani on it before taking her away, leaving them to wait in the waiting room for news on her.

An hour passes of them anxiously waiting before a doctor comes out, calling Dani's name which makes them stand up and quickly go to the doctor.

"She will be ok but she will need rest to recover." The doctor says which makes them sigh in relief. "Can we see her?" Katherine asks, hopeful that they can.

"Yes you can, follow me." The doctor says, beginning to walk to Dani's room and the others follow without another word and when they arrive the doctor leaves them.

Most are hesitant to go inside but Lauren isn't instead she goes in right away and she is relieved to see Dani looks fine other than being pale and has a blanket on her as well.

She quietly goes over to him and she carefully takes her hand but a shiver goes down her spine at how cold her sister's hand is but she doesn't remove it.

She hears footsteps so she looks to see the others standing there and they look relived at the sight of Dani looking ok so they sit down in different areas and talk quietly while waiting for her to wake.

It's not very long though before Lauren feels her hand being squeezed, making her look over at Dani. "Dani?" Lauren asks softly, also getting the others to look at her.

A moment later Dani moved her head a little before her eyes open and she coughs a little and when she stops that's when she notices her sisters are with her but doesn't see Lauren.

She looks around before she looks right next to her to see Lauren looking at her and she notices that Lauren also has her hand. "Sugar." She says very softly, making Lauren giggle.

"I'm here Spice, I was so worried about you." She says softly to her. "I..I'm sorry, I remember you saving me, thank you sugar." Dani says softly, making Lauren smile.

She is under watch for a couple days before she is able to go home and when she's home they spend the entire day with her watching her favorite movies.

End Of Oneshot

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