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Dani's Age: 19
It was a bright day as Dani works on packing for today is the day that she is moving into an apartment with Lauren since she is old enough to and she's super excited.

As she finishes packing she grabs the keys to the moving truck and uses it to unlock it then works on getting everything in but struggles when it gets to the mattress.

She hears a car horn but ignores it and tries to get the mattress down the stairs. "Dani!" All of her sisters say from downstairs, scaring her badly.

Her foot slips and she yelps as she falls down the stairs which luckily has carpet on it and when she reaches the bottom she groans in pain and looks to see her sisters hovering above her.

"Dani you ok?" Lauren asks. "Yeah." She says softly then gasps a little when she sees the mattress about to fall. "Move!" She says, making them back up and the mattress falls.

When it lands on her she can't help but groan at the weight but luckily they get it off of her right away and she's helped up. "I'm ok, i'm ok." Dani says.

They get the mattress and rest of the stuff into the moving truck then make their way to Lauren and Dani's apartment where they help unpack.

By the time they're done it's dark out so everyone else but Lauren and her go home for the night, leaving them alone so they have a movie night with just them.

End Of Oneshot

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