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Trigger Warning: Attempted Suicide
Dani's Age: 17
It was a cloudy and dark day as Dani lays curled up on her bed, covering her ears in hope that the voices in her head will quit but so far it's not working.

"Beat up Lauren she thinks she's better than you, beat her up so she's not anymore." The voice in her head says but she tries to ignore it.

"Do it, hurt Lauren or else you will hurt yourself." The voice says and Dani shakes badly from the voices that speak in her brain in a spine chilling way.

She can hear footsteps coming towards her and hears her name but it sounds like the voice of Lauren which makes her panic more and she struggles when she feels hands on her.

She pushes them and she hears a crash so she looks to see Lauren sitting in front of the bookshelf and some of the stuff on top of it is knocked over by the force of Lauren hitting it.

Lauren looks at Dani with fear which makes her guilt grow more so she stands up, putting on her shoes and grabbing a jacket then running away into the cold night.

Lauren tries to get up to go after her only to fall over again since she's weak from the force she took into the dresser by Dani and she can hear footsteps coming towards her.

"Ladybug! What happened?!" Lisa asks, worried as she scoops up Lauren and brings her to her bed and checks for injuries. "Dani was acting weird so I tried to help but she pushed me." Lauren says.

"Dani did what?!" Lisa asks, shocked. "She seemed out of it and panicked and I don't know why and when she saw she pushed me she looked more afraid." Lauren says.

"What happened after?" Lisa asks and finishes helping Lauren. "She ran off, I think she left the house and it's dark out so anything can happen, i'm worried Lise." Lauren says.

"It's ok i'll tell the others and they'll go find her." Lisa says. "But what happens if they don't find her? Anything can happen to her out there." Lauren says, tearing up.

Lisa holds Lauren close and lets her cry on her until she falls asleep then she lays her down before covering her up with a blanket so she stays warm.

She then leaves the room and she gathers her other sisters and she explains everything and once she's done explaining the sisters except Lisa goes to find her.

Lisa stays back to help Lauren while the others go searching and it takes a while before they notice a body laying on the beach with their ears covered.

Katherine parks the car and they get out, heading over to the body but they are shocked to see Dani mumbling something.

"I'm not crazy." Dani softly mumbles as she rocks back and forth and she's softly crying which breaks her sisters hearts seeing her like that.

Katherine slowly reaches down and touches Dani, only to make her jump up and she shakes badly and she covers her ears again.

"No no no no." Dani says softly, about to cry more from the voices that haunt her mind and tell her to hurt her sisters even though she doesn't want to.

She gets a knife from her pocket and the sight horrifies her sisters and they back up from her in a bit of fear of one of them getting hurt because of her.

Dani Cimorelli One Shots [EDITING]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang