Daniel Larusso

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Lol I love that picture above

You walk out of your high school classroom, practically asleep from the boring lecture that you had just endured for the past hour.

But once you made your way outside, the sky was so bright that you couldn't help but be blinded from the sun rays.

Before you know it you run face first into some person that was walking around the corner of the hallway. "I am so so sorry." you exclaim as you reach for the guys hand to help him up.

"It's no problem, don't worry about." the guy says to you as he accepts your hand to help him up.

Right after you bumped into him your eyes adjusted to the light letting you see what the guy you knocked down looked like.

He had warm tan skin and dark eyes that almost seemed like they glowed in the afternoon light.

You smiled at him and said "My names Y/n what's your name?" He smiled at you and said "My name is Daniel it's nice to meet you." "It's nice to meet you too."

You had been going to the same school district since you were a little kid so you immediently realized that Daniel must have been new to the school.

"Are you new to the school?" you asked as you turned your head to look at him. "Yeah I am is it that obvious?" he asked while laughing a little bit.

"Yeah it is I'm pretty sure I would remember a face like yours." Both of you blushed the second that those words escaped your lips.

He looked at you while smirking "I know we just met but would you like to go out with me this weekend by any chance?"

You felt your ears getting red now when he asked you that and you tried to fight back against the blush that was starting to form in your cheeks.

"Yeah that would be nice hears my number." You handed a piece of paper with your number scribbled onto it then he said "I'll call you this later to tell you what time I'll pick you up tomorrow if that's ok."

You smiled at him and said "That's perfect I can't wait." The two of you said your goodbyes and then started to walk to your separate houses.

As you walked on the sidewalk still in shock about what just happened, you kept replaying the conversation that you had in your head.

Being one of the most unlucky people ever, you never had any luck with guys which meant that they never gave you any sort of attention ever.

You were never popular either and you generally just blended in to the rest of the crowd at the school.

You finally made it to the door of the appartment complex that you lived at and as you did so you were shocked to see that Daniel lived across the way from you.

The two of you must have walked a different way to get to your appartment but both of the ways must have been around the same distance causing you to get there at the same time.

"It's funny seeing you here!" You yelled trying to get his attention. "You live here too Y/n?" he asked while letting a smile form at the corner of his mouth.

"Yeah I do I'm surprised we haven't met sooner." You said unlocking the door of your appartment. "I'm surprised too well see ya later!" he said nicely as the two of you both walked into your appartments.

You could not believe that he lived here. You decided from that moment on, you wouldn't leave your appartment dressed sloppily just in case you bumped into him around here.

You walked into your room and walked over to your radio searching for a station that had music that you liked.

You decided that you wanted to spend the rest of your day just chilling out in your room while reading magazines and stuff like that.

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