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Kendall Russo

"Hey old lady!" Marco strides up to me and shoves my arm. Today's my birthday, November 29th. It's been about 2 months since the wedding and I've been living like a damn Goddess.

"Hey!" I exclaim, "I'm not that old, I'm younger than your grandpa ass." I tease and he rolls his eyes. Today we're just having a small get together at our place. Seems we're too old for big parties.

We're all sat in the living room: Me, Lorenzo, Beth, Frankie, Marco, Amber, Maria, and Michael. Maria insisted on baking me a birthday cake, said it was something she did for each family member. The cake was displayed with 28 candles and I pulled Beth onto my lap.

"I think I might need your help blowing these out." I say with a raise eyebrow and she smiles. "Ready?"

"Wait!" She stops me, "You have to make a wish!" She insisted and I let out a small laugh. I pause for a second and think of anything I could actually wish for.

"Okay, are you ready now?" I ask again and she nods. "3,2,1" I countdown and we blow the assorted candles out. She climbs off my lap and scrambles to the kitchen with Maria to cut the cake.

Lorenzo cozy's up next to me and my legs fall over his. "So, what'd you wish for?" He asks with his arms wrapped around me and my head rested in the crook of his neck.

"For nothing to change." I say looking up at him. "For everyday to be just like this."

And just like that, THE END.

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