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Kendall Ranley

Seconds felt like minutes, minutes felt like hours, and hours felt like days. I was drained, exhausted. I prayed and prayed and prayed that someone, anyone would come opening those doors. I rummaged through the room for any type of food or drink and was lucky enough to find a few water bottles. I felt like I was going to faint, either that was from lack of hydration or fear and worry.

Suddenly, a loud noise sounds from the door and my ears perk up. I stand to my feet in hope of seeing Lorenzo and Marco behind the door.

"The son of a bitch really did lock you in here, my God." Maria.

I rush out the door in a heartbeat and crash her into a hug. "Are they okay?" I ask immediately and she pulls away.

"We don't know anything yet, Stanler is there right now though." She says and pulls me out of the safe room. "My God you're shaking like a damn leaf." She acknowledges and I grab a blanket from Lorenzo and I's bed to wrap around me. It smells like him.

"Can we not go? I mean it could be beneficial you know if we-"

"No honey, we can't. It's not safe and we both no that. We can't be stupid." She says calmly and I slouch down on the bed.

"So what now we just sit and wait? How are you so calm?" I say in an overwhelmed tone and rub my temples with my fingers.

"You'll learn over the years." She says and rubs my back in comfort. "You should rest, I'll wake you if anything happens."

"Thank you." I say quietly and curl up on Lorenzo's side of the bed and try my best to fall asleep.

I dreamt of a us. The beginning of Lorenzo and I's story. The night where I promised myself one drink, the mistaken one night stand that ended up with me finding the person I love most. After everything we're still here, we're still together.

"Kendall." I voice sounds but my eyes stay shut as I imagine the voice is in my dream. "Kendall!" The voice yells louder and shakes me awake.

"What! What happened is he-" He was here, Lorenzo stood in front of me without a scratch on his body. I pinched myself thinking I was still dreaming, nope. I ran into his arms and held him like he was about to disappear. Tears fell down my face in joy, I was extremely grateful he was here and alive.

"Where's Marco? Is he okay? What happened to Micha?" I scramble with questions and Lorenzo sits down on the bed beside me. The look on his face was just unreadable, there was no way in me telling if it was something fantastic, or devastating. "Talk to me." I say and sit down beside him as I take his hands in mine.

"Do you want the good news or the bad news?" He asks, starring into my eyes.

"Um, good news I guess." I say wearily and I feel like I'm about to throw up. This felt so sick and twisted, I never thought in a million years I'd be here.

"Micha's dead."

I let out a sigh of relief knowing that our biggest problem is over. Things would be a lot easier now that Micha was out of the picture. Now I just had to prepare for the bad news.

"But so is Marco."

RUSSO - unedited Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora