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Kendall Ranley

I was sitting in the cafeteria waiting for Amber to come and update me about Lorenzo. I had gone through three coffees in the last few hours. I was the most anxious I've ever been.

I grabbed my phone and Lorenzo's 'incident' was all over the news. No one has found out who did it but I had a strong feeling it was Micha.

About an hour and a half later Amber came approaching me and I was up in an insist. "How is he?" I quickly ask.

"He's alive, we almost lost him twice but he pulled through." She explains and my shoulders relax. "Did you drink all of those?" Amber asks, referring to the several empty coffee cups on the table.

"I've been stressed, leave me alone would you?" I take her arm and guide her towards the waiting room for her to give Marco and Frankie the good news. Meanwhile, I walk my way to Lorenzo's room.

Michael stands at the end of the bed, writing in a chart and I walk in. "Wow." I breathe out as I look at Lorenzo's state, he got beat pretty bad.

"You still going, Ranley?" Michael asks in a surprised tone, probably thought I'd go home.

"Yeah I just, I wanted to make sure he was okay." I state and he gives me an unexpected smile.

"I'll give you a minute." He says and leaves, closing the door behind him. I walk closer and examine the cuts and bruises on his face. I feel
horrible, horrible. I wasn't supposed to feel upset he wasn't a great person but I couldn't help it.

I placed my hand on his cheek and caressed him. "Keep doing that, it feels nice."

"Holy shit!" I jump when I hear Lorenzo's voice. "You're awake, God don't scare me like that."

"I said keep doing it." He sasses back and I just roll my eyes. The door twists open with Marco and Frankie behind it.

"We'll kill him, don't you worry." Marco said nonchalantly and gives Lorenzo a fist bump.

"K-kill who?" I stupidly ask. Not my business and I shouldn't want it to be, yet curiosity killed the cat.

"Don't you have some meds you should be refilling? Scram." Marco snaps at me and I sigh. I don't know what I did to make him hate me so much.

"Hey!" Lorenzo raises his voice which makes us all turn his way. "Watch it." He says darkly to Marco. Not wanting to get involved, I leave without another word.

Lorenzo Russo

It's bugs the fuck out of me that Marco has such an issue with Kendall. Prick.

"Would it kill you to not be such a dick to her?"

"I'm not the one who's got a soft spot for her, you are. She's just some chick you banged to me, she doesn't have my respect. She's a hot nosey doctor, I'm not going to go all fucking Mary Poppins on her." Marco scoffs out and slouches down on a cot next to the bed.

"You're so god damn lucky I can't stand up right now." I spit through clenched teeth and he smirks at me.

"Maybe I should go chase after her, bang her against the bathroom wall. She looks like she likes it rough." He smirks and rage boils within me and I grab a scalpel off the side table and chuck it at him.

"Woah Enzo what the fuck are you doing?!" Frankie says frantically and yanks the scalpel out of Marco's shoulder.

"Watch that dirty fucking mouth of yours or I'll sew it shut, go it?"

He glares at me with flared nostrils and stands to his feet and barges out the room. "You need to relax man, you're getting out of hand." Frankie says rubbing his temples.

"She's mine, I don't give a fuck what I have to do to prove that."

RUSSO - unedited Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ