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Kendall Ranley

"There's adoption, or maybe a surrogate." Lorenzo and I are laid in bed early in the morning talking about potential options for having a child. It's been a few weeks since I told Lorenzo and everything has been perfect since then.

"Fuck no, my sperm only enters you, nobody else." He protests and my eyes screw shut and eyebrows knit together.

"Do you always have to make things sound so graphic?"

"I'm just wired that way baby." He says and gives me a peck on my forehead. "What do you want to do today?"

"Don't you have stuff to do. All your big, bad Mafia things?" I question with a goofy smile and he rolls his eyes.

"Nah Marco's been doing well lately, he's good with keeping everything in check." He informs me and I nod. Whatever Marco said to Lorenzo was definitely out of the ordinary. He helped us, I'd never thought he'd do that.

"I was thinking of maybe going into the hospital today." I say and he makes a confused face at me. I haven't been to the hospital since the incident and Lorenzo seems to think I'll struggle with PTSD.


"I want to be able to get back to work someday. Walking into the hospital is nothing that I can't handle. I'm okay Lorenzo." I assure him and place a comforting hand on my cheek.

"One condition." He says with raises eyebrows and I nod. "Amber and I are with you the whole time and Dr.Dipshit can be there too I guess."

"One condition." I fire back. "You address him as Dr.Drawme whilst we're there, don't be a dick."

"Fine." He groans and gets up from bed. "I still think he's a dipshit though."

"Yea, Yea." I wave off and begin to get ready. I brush my hair as well as my teeth and apply minimal makeup. I put on a pair of black jeans, a grey long sleeve shirt and a pair of sneakers. I haven't seen anyone from the hospital except Amber so I've been anxious.

The ride was short and my leg was bouncing up and down the whole time. Seeing the sight of the hospital was an indescribable feeling but I walked through the doors not knowing what to expect.

"Ranley, it's lovely to see you." Michael approaches me and pulls me in for a small hug. I hear Lorenzo scoff behind me and I roll my eyes as Michael pulls away. "Always a pleasure Mr.Russo."

"Yeah." Lorenzo says shortly and I can tell Micheal wants to smack him silly. He hated being disrespected, he was a lot like Lorenzo in some ways.

"So you're all healed! Looking to get back to work, we've missed you here." Michael says with sincerity and I smile.


"No she won't be." Lorenzo cuts me off before I can talk and I shoot daggers at him. "We want to be 100% sure before we make any important choices."

"Before I make any important choices." I correct and Michael looks uncomfortable by our acknowledge disagreement. The last time Lorenzo and I talked about me leaving my job, it resulted in a bad fight, an awkward family dinner, and not to mention the cheated scare.

"Well uh, let me know if you need anything."
Michael says and leaves before things get anymore uncomfortable.

"We're together Kendall, we make decisions together." Lorenzo whispers to me through gritted teeth but I just walk away from him when I see Amber down the lobby.

"Oh my God you're back!" She squeals and runs in for a hug. "When do you start?"

"I'm not coming back to work yet." I inform her and her smile fades.

"Is everything okay? How are you feeling about everything?" She asks worriedly and I put my hands on her shoulders to calm her down.

"There's just a few things I have to figure out before I come back is all." I explain and she nods at me.

"And why does Lorenzo look like he's about to strange you?" She questions and I laugh.

"Hey, wouldn't be the first time right."
I saw as a remember the time he choked me out before a surgery. Still ended up falling in love with the son of a bitch.

"Anyways," She laughs. "How are you feeling now that you're here?"

"I feel good, the shooting just feels so surreal. Like it never even happened."

"If you need anything you know my doors always open. Whenever you need a break from sex on legs." She winks and throws her arm around me.

"Alright missy calm down, get to work." I lecture her and she runs off towards a patient room.

I walk out of the hospital door feeling good that I didn't freak and I was calm in the walls of the hospital. I hear Lorenzo huff and his footsteps behind me.

"Stop." He halts me and grabs my arm. He spins me around so I face him and my teeth clench together.

"You're being very selfish, you know that?" I scoff at him with squinted eyes and he lets out an angry sigh. "What do you want from me?! I need my life back Lorenzo, I'm dying living like this!"

"Living like what, with me!?" He yells and I pull him further outside so no one can hear us. "Do you not want to be with me anymore?"

My mouth falls right open in shock at the words that just left his mouth. "You've got to be kidding me." I let out. "Just because I want to get my life back to where it was doesn't mean I don't want to be with you. I love you for crying out load."

"I'll never see you, you'll put yourself at risk every time you go into the hospital."

"You're going to come up with every damn excuse just so I can stay at your house like your fucking lap dog." I say in a fierce tone and his face goes red.

"Kendall." He warns and I step closer to him.

"This isn't your fucking decision, it's mine."

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