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Kendall Ranley

"You have terrible taste in undergarments." I say to Amber, referring to the bra I found a few days ago. I was finally able to kick Lorenzo out of the room so Amber and I could talk without men in the way.

"Hey!" She says in offensively and slaps my arm. "I thought it was hot, well Frankie certainly did." She smirks and I cringe.

"Disgusting." I scoff playfully and she laughs. "How the hell did you and Frankie happen, and is this just like a one time thing?"

"I think so." She says clearly debating it. "Oh gosh how cute would it be though? Two best friends dating Russo brothers." She smiles at the thought and I snap my fingers in front of her.

"Quite daydreaming, in all honesty I thought he was gay at first." I say and Amber burst out laughing. "How the hell?"

"Straight guys aren't that nice." I shrug and we both laugh together.

"You should rest, you want me to grab you anything?" She asks and she stands up to leave the room.

"No I'm okay, thank you." I smile and she leaves the room. I shut my eyes and pray for a peaceful dream.

I had fallen asleep within seconds but brought back to consciouses with the feeling of fingertips against my wrist.

"Amber I thought you were ou-" My eyes flutter open softly and go wide when I see the man who had almost taken my life. I back away as far as I can and a smirk creeps to his face. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"You listen here, and you listen good. If you don't leave that son of a bitch you won't be in a hospital bed but six feet under. Break that pussy's heart." He says deadly before standing up and walking out. My heart dropped into my stomach and I reached for my phone to call Lorenzo.

He answers after one ring and and I already hate how frantic I'm about to sound. "He was here, he- Micha was here." I struggle out and I hear the line go dead and I set my phone down, hoping that Lorenzo would be here in seconds.

The feeling I had was indescribable, he tried to kill me once there was no reason he wouldn't do it again. That's his revenge to Lorenzo. The logical thing to do would be to leave Lorenzo, break his heart and go on. Although, there was no way in hell I'd be doing that. I'm not ending something so incredible out of fear.

Suddenly, the door to my hospital room burst open with a frantic Lorenzo and I immediately feel better. He strides towards me and examines me before throwing his arms around me. "I'm okay." I say while smoothing out his hair.

"What did he do?" He says in a deadly tone and pulls away from me. I know once I tell him he's going to tell me to go as far away form him a possible, and I'll refuse over and over again.

"He's going to hurt me again if I don't leave you." I says quietly and his teeth clench. "We aren't going to let him win." I say with authority.

"You could die, Kendall." He warns with an expression filled with hurt.

"I'd die if I left, I need you Lorenzo."

RUSSO - unedited حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن