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Kendall Ranley

In a flash, punches were thrown left, right and centre between Micha and Lorenzo. I was extremely confused and shocked that Lorenzo had showed up out of the blue not to mention him attacking someone right in front of me.

"HEY!" I yell and make the stupid decision of walking towards them and try to push them away from each other. Which resulted in me on the ground with a heavy pain to my nose.

"Oh now you've done it." I hear Lorenzo grumble as somebody helps me up. I guess Micha had accidentally punched me.

Michael had came out and managed to pull them apart and I walked away from the situation to clean up my monstrosity of a bloody nose.

Lorenzo Russo

I only saw red when I witnessed Micha and Kendall talking, my first instinct was to punch and punch and punch. In the mixed of our brawl, Micha threw his fist and missed me, resulting in a bad bloody nose for Kendall. Some random doctor broke us up but after he got a good look on who I was, he backed the fuck off.

I walked off to the direction I saw Kendall headed and I was lead to a room of lockers. There I saw Kendall standing in front of her locker, wiping the blood off her top lip.

"Kendall?" I call out and she whips her head around with a scared look on her face. She lets out a sigh when she realizes it's me.

"What the hell was that? Why are you here?" Her voice is cold and serious, although I find it cute. She'll be terrified when she finds out who I really am. Everyone knows who I am and what I do, clearly Kendall is living under a rock.

"Listen, last night didn't happen. I was wasted, I never do things like that. You go on with your life, I go on with mine and we forget your Rocky Balboa performance in the lobby." Kendall explains and I chuckle and walk towards her, she backs up until her back hits the locker.

"You don't have a clue who I am, do you?" I ask her and tuck her hair behind her ear. "No idea how much power I have over you?"

"I- I don't understand." Her breathing is uneasy and it thrills me that I have this affect on her.

"I'm a Russo baby, I run the Mafia."

Kendall Ranley

The Mafia.

I've heard people talk of such things, I've heard about the Italian Mafia and the way they roam New York. I've heard deadly rumours about their leader, I never heard the name. But now I have, and I've slept with him too.

"Why did you cause that fight in the lobby?" I question and he looks taken back by my sudden interest, he probably thought I'd run away. Which, I probably should.

"Firstly, Micha caused me some difficulties and secondly, he doesn't go near what's mine." His voice is cold and raspy and sent shivers up my spine.

Before I can fight back to his sudden claim on me, we're interrupted by a deep voice. "Enzo, we've gotta go." Yet another Italian man comes walking through the door.

I turn back to Lorenzo as he winks at me, "Until next time, Mi Amore."

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