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Kendall Ranley

When my eyes open I'm in an unfamiliar room with a pounding headache and a strangers arms wrapped around my body. Except I'm not exactly sure if he's a stranger now, strangers don't exactly give you the best sex of your life.

I find my phone on the nightstand and see a text from Amber saying she went home with someone. It's 6am and I have to be at the hospital in an hour.

Last night was idiotic, immature, unnecessary and not to mention unsafe. I've never been so stupid, so irresponsible. Sex with a stranger but a very hot, sexy, and dominating stranger. Damn.

Within all my thoughts I chose to forget about this night. It happened and I've learned the hard way that I should never do it again. I carefully remove myself form Lorenzo's arms, careful not to wake him. I find my clothes from last night and put them back on and run out of the club as quickly as possible. I waste no time rushing off to the hospital when I get in my car and I pray that I won't be late.

Lorenzo Russo

My father always told me to never be shocked by anything. When you're a Mafia boss nothing can be a surprise to you. I'll admit that when I woke up the next morning and Kendall wasn't there besides me, I wasn't just surprised, but disappointed. I've never felt that feeling before.

I stood up from the bed and pulled on a pair of pants as Marco walked in. "Your little muse just ran out."

"Find her." I say darkly, I'm eager to find her again, to know her.

Kendall Ranley

When I get through the hospital doors I spring towards the locker area and pray no one gets a good look at my appearance. When finally getting to my locker, there stands a smirking Amber Burson.

"Well would you look at who's doing the walk of shame, Mrs.One Drink." Amber laughs at me and I roll my eyes and get to my locker.

"Look Amber I'm really not in the mood right now." I sigh and she laughs again.

"Whatever babe, but you're telling me all the details later because based on how you look you must've had a lot of fun." She smirks before walking away. I grab a makeup wipe and clean my face, change into my scrubs and throw my hair up and I'm ready to go.

Once I step into the ER, Michael comes rushing by with a young man on a gurney, gunshot wound.

"Ranley, OR 2, scrub in let's go." He shouts as he runs towards the elevator. I sprint and slide into the elevator and put my scrub cap on.

Lorenzo Russo

"Kendall Ranley, 27. Her parents are deceased, no siblings. Current employment is at Lenox Hill Hospital as a resident surgeon." Marco pulls up a file on a laptop which holds information about Kendall.

"So she ran off to the hospital this morning. A surgeon huh?" The thought of her being a surgeon doesn't make much sense to me. I always thought people in the medical field were bores but she certainly isn't.

"Shit..." I hear Marco grumble under his breath. My eyebrows furrows together at his sudden scowl. "Micha caused some shit this morning, his brother ended up getting shot. He's probably done at Lenox right now."

The thought of Kendall and Micha having any sort of encounter makes my blood boil. Therefore, I grab my keys and speed off towards Lenox Hill Hospital.

Kendall Ranley

"Ranley, you go update the family." Michael instructs as he finishes closing up. I take off my scrub cap when I walk out of the OR and take a deep breath. It's going to be a long day.

"Family of Manny Sanzo?" I call out in the waiting room and 4 broad men in suits stand up and walk towards me.

"He alive?" One of the asks and the deepness of his voice his haunting. "Which one of you are the brother?" I ask

"That's me, I'm Micha, Micha Sanzo." A tall blonde haired guy introduces himself with flirtatious eyes.

"Great, well the surgery was successful. Dr.Drawme was able to remove the bullets without any complications." I put on my surgeon smile and the men in front of me look completely in-check.

"If you would like to see him you co-" When I'm mid-way through my sentence, I'm interrupted by a wave of gasps. Heads turn towards the hospitals front doors and I myself gasp, as Lorenzo stands at the entrance with rage laced all within his face.

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