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Kendall Ranley

"I don't want to ruin anything between you and Marco. You've said from the beginning that he's your right hand, you need him Lorenzo." I say aggressively after Lorenzo told me about the fight him and Marco just finished.

"None of it's true! All the bullshit he said wasn't true. He wants the life we had before you but I don't, I don't ever want to go back to before you."

His words make my heart melt but I hate that I've been coming in between him and Marco, I sigh in defeat.

"I don't want to come between you and your family." I whisper and he walks towards me and runs his hands up my arms.

"You are my family."

I smile weakly at him and warp my arms
around his torso and he hugs me back warmly. I close my eyes and rest my head in his shoulder. I felt peaceful, just the low sound of Lorenzo's breathing and the wind whistling outside the windows. "Let's get back to bed." He says and I waste no time sprawling against the bed sheets.

I struggled getting back to bed and just let my thoughts keep my awake. Will I go back to work? What's Micha going to do? What's Marco going to do? Will I ever step back into an OR?

It was around 8:00 when I got up out of bed and went to make a cup of coffee. I didn't have much of an appetite and just sat in the house in silence.

"Hey." A voice sounds and I jump at the break of silent. Frankie stands at the end of stairs.


"You doing okay?" He asks and begins pouring himself a cup of coffee. "You seem worried."

"That obviously, huh?" I laugh softly and he sits down next to me. "Am I a burden or something? What am I doing wrong."

"Kendall..." Frankie sighs. "Don't let Marco get to you. Don't let anyone get to you. No one in the Mafia has ever really found someone, their person. You're Lorenzo's person, he loves you. We never thought he was capable of that."

I sat there replaying Lorenzo and I's entire journey and when I think about, he's a completely different person now then he was before. Either way, I'm still faithfully bound to him.

"Thank you." I whisper to Frankie and he squeezes my hands. I hear footsteps and soon Lorenzo joins us and pecks me on the cheek.

"How are you feeling?" He asks and we've already started with the protectiveness.

"I'm fine, don't baby me."

"I'd love to baby something else." He mutters quietly but my ears catch it. I froze at the mention of babies, did Lorenzo want kids? I felt like vomiting. I'll just pretend I never hear it.

"I was hoping to see Amber today, just to check in after the shooting." I say in a way that's asking for permission.

"You live here babe, what's mine is yours. Have whoever you want over."

With that I call Amber right away and tell her to come over. She still seems pretty shaken up by the shooting. She's over in an instant and I give her a big hug the second I see her.

"Careful!" Lorenzo shouts from the living room and I roll my eyes.

"How are you?" I ask genuinely and she shakes her head.

"I'm not the one who got shot. How are you handling everything, I've been worried about you."

"I'm good." I say and we move to sit on the sofa. "I've got this one to take care of me." I smile and ruffle Lorenzo's hair.

"Okay get out, this is girl time." Amber snaps her fingers and kicks Lorenzo out.

"Yea, yea." He dismisses and goes upstairs.

"He's a keeper." Amber compliments and I smile. "Yeah he really is."

"Have you y'know, had sex since the accident or is he too rough for that?" She whisper and I slap her arm.

"My God you're just like Frankie! No wonder you two banged and no we haven't yet!" I whisper yell at her and she snickers. "We did say 'I love you' though."

"WHAT!?" She exclaims and I smile at her. "I'm happy for you." Amber says in awe.

"Yeah everything seem pretty perfect." I
half lie but Amber sees right through me.

"What happened?" She asks deadly and I roll my eyes to how terrible I am at lying.

"He talked about babies, like real newborn babies Amber."

"Oh..." Her voice trails out. "Shit."

"I don't know what to do! It'll crush him." I say sadly and Amber looks at my sympathetically.

"It's for the best."

It's been awhile since I've updated BUT, I've been currently planning my next story and I am stoked to get to writing it but I need you opinion.

I'm not sure if I should do a fan fiction or just leave it as a normal story. Comment your opinions please!!!!

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