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Kendall Ranley

Lorenzo and I spent the entire day together and it was pure bliss. The morning sex wasn't even the best part, having someone to talk to and connect with on a romantic level was 10x better. I decided to pull a long shift at the hospital to make up for missing yesterday.

"Ranley, OR 4 let's go!" Michael shouts at me, running towards the elevator with a woman on a gurney. Surgery with Michael after he saw me having sex, brilliant. With a sigh I run into the elevator and prepare myself for hours of humiliation.

Once I finished scrubbing I walked into the OR and Micheal makes immediate eye contact with me. "Are you ready?" He asks normally and I nod anxiously.

I was surprised as no words were said but when almost fully finished with the surgery, I make the dumb decision to break the awkward on going silence. "Listen about what you saw in the on-call room the ot-"

"Ugh no, don't make me relive that." Michael says with disgust laced in his voice and I raise my eyebrows in surprise.

"I just, it was very inappropriate and definitely not something I should be doing inside work walls." I defend myself and I hear him laugh.

"Damn straight." He chuckles and gets back to closing up the patient.

"Are you good here? May I go?" I ask him as I'm eager to get out and he nods.

"You just need to be safe Kendall, I want you to be safe." He tells me right before I exit the OR. I turn to face him and he looks at me with sympathetic eyes. "You know he's dangerous."

"Yeah I know" I say and tear off my surgical mask, "Some dangerous things are worth it." I barely get out the OR doors when Amber runs into me.

"Hey!" I exclaim with a smile, I feel like I haven't spoken to her in ages.

"You have a visitor." She stated with a serious expression and drags me away. I've never seen her act like this, she's always been bubbly and happy. She seems shaken up and anxious.

"Is Lorenzo here, what's going on?" I ask and she doesn't answer and just pulls me into the elevator. "Amber why are you so freaked!"

"Good luck." She says sympathetically and the elevator doors slide open. I give her one last look before finally walking out. I turn my head down the hallway and a gasp leaves me lips.


Gross short chapter, sorry! x

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