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Kendall Ranley

Two months. It's been two months since I've had any contact with Lorenzo. My last encounter with him was when his barbie doll showed up. I'm glad he respected my decision about staying away from me, it's helped.

Coming back to present time I was walking back home from the hospital when I heard unusual noises. It's May now and the weather had gotten surprisingly nicer in New York. I must say it was a dumb idea walking the streets of NYC alone in the dark.

The alley way next to me was filled with groans and not to mention a man on the ground begging for his life. I backed away slowing and attempted to cross the street until I tripped and whacked my head on the side of a dumpster.

I brought my hand up to my head and when I looked at my fingers, they were covered in scarlet red.

"Who's there?!" A voice yelled, Marco? I heard rapid footsteps until a figure was standing in front of me. "Holy shit." They whispered.

I reached quickly for my phone and turned on the flashlight. "Marco?"

"Kendall, what the hell are you doing here?" He asks in a cold tone. Well isn't that the Marco I missed.

Another man approached us and when he comes closer I quickly recognize him as Lorenzo. He looks buffer and he has a bit of a stubble now.

"Kendall? Why are you out here?" He asks and I feel frozen to the spot.

"I was walking home from the hospital until I heard-"

"It's not very smart of you to be walking alone in the middle of the night now is it?" He snaps at me and I'm taken by surprise.

"I'm sorry Dad, but I was perfectly fine before you decided to torture someone in an alleyway." I sass back and I see his knuckles turn white.

"That's it." He grits and pulls out a white cloth and nuzzles it around my mouth. I squirm, kick, punch, you name it but I was consumed by darkness quicker than lightning.

Lorenzo Russo

Ever since I left the hospital back in March it's been business, business, business. I'd be lying if I said Kendall didn't cross my mind because she did, all the fucking time. I didn't expect us to be reunited in an alleyway where I was breaking my hand against someone's face. She caught me at a bad time and she paid the consequence.

She's be out for the rest of the night so I instructed Frankie to take her back to the mansion while I finish up the job.

Maybe this is when I'd finally get her back, although drugging her wasn't a very good start. Maybe she'll understand, maybe she won't and she'll leave, again.

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