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Kendall Ranley

"There's someone in my room."

I felt my heart stop. The house had top security, no one could get in or out without us knowing. Lorenzo and I glance at each other before storming through the doors of Beth's bedroom.

A tall, muscular man stood in Beth's room. His back faced us and his long dark hair laid perfectly on his back. He held one of Beth's stuffed animals in his hands.

"Get out." Lorenzo whispered to me and I pulled Beth and I out of the room. She held a strong grip on my leg and I patiently waited for Lorenzo to take care of the situation.

"Who is that?" Beth asked softly behind me and I crouched down in front of her.

"We aren't sure honey but we're going to take care of it, okay?" She nods at me and hooks her arms around my neck. "I'm sorry." I apologize and she puts a sloppy kiss on my cheek.

"It's okay mommy." She smiles and my heart race, she just called me- holy crap.

I sat on the floor next to her and waited for something to occur. I didn't hear anything through the door, it was just silence. I began getting worried and convinced myself to go inside.

"Stay right here okay?" I instruct Beth and she stays seated in the floor. I slowly open the door and look inside. There's no blood anywhere which is a good sign I guess. I open the door fully and I stop when I see him.

"Holy shit, you're alive."

Marco Lombardi

Lorenzo stands there just staring at Marco. His hair is extremely grown out and he's got quite the facial hair. He almost looks unrecognizable, then again we thought he was dead.

"It's a nice place you've got here." He says with his hands in his pockets and I stare at him with my lips parted.

I can't help but run up to him and throw my arms around him. He risked his life for us and we thought he was gone yet here he is. "You're alive." I repeat in a whisper and he surprisingly hugs me back.

I'm soon ripped off of him by Lorenzo and he tackles him to the floor. "What the hell!?" Marco exclaims once he hits the ground.

"Where the hell have you been, we thought you were dead!" Lorenzo roars and I try my best to tear him off of Marco.

"Lorenzo stop!" I yell in an insanely loud voice and they both come to a completely stop and look up to me. "Your best friend, who we thought was dead is here. He's alive Lorenzo, and you're here throwing your fist at him!" I lecture and they both stay silent.

"I'm going to go out with our daughter and you're going to stay here and figure your crap out." I say harshly and walk out of the room and shut the door behind me.

I grab Beth's hand and lead her out the house. I buckle her into the car and she looks at me with a confused look.

"Uh..." I say stupidly, "Ice cream?" I suggest and she smiles and claps her hands together. Children really are amused by anything.

I originally wasn't going to bring Marco back but I missed him.
Another short chapter but aren't we used to it at this point? <3

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