Who has been offended?

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Din and Jae stared at Gavin as they sat in his office. Neither said a word for a moment, but both of them had unpleasant thoughts running through their heads. Din broke the silence first. "We were discussing meeting with your security lead, but I would like to address the phone call you just had." Din was trying to be less angry as he spoke. "I need to let you know she is everything to this family. You break her heart and I don't care who protects you in all of China I will find you." Gavin smiled at Din.

It wasn't a mean smile or even sarcastic. It was an understanding smile, knowing that Din loved Lily enough to protect her at all costs. "I assure you the last thing I want to do in my life is to hurt Lily. I would rather lose my life than to hurt her. So I vow to you if I intentionally or willfully hurt her in a way that would cause you to hunt me down, I wouldn't run from you." Gavin's face was solemn as he spoke. Jae looked at Din and the two men realized in that moment Gavin Sun was truly willing to lay his life down for their little sister. "Your security lead." Din said changing the subject.

James Murphy sat in his small apartment looking through all the documents and photographs in front of him. Something was missing in all of this. Somehow his gut told him there was a big piece to this puzzle that was missing. He had two issues going on and at the moment the disappearance of the bodyguard Fin was taking precedence. But James could not help looking back at the photos of Li Wen outside Club Rue. It was almost like his intuition was telling him these things were connected. He had met with the kingpin and now felt at ease over Lily's safety. The kingpin assured him that nothing would happen to Lily or to Gavin Sun. But the Kingpin warned him that Lily's brother Din may not be safe in all this. Din was not on the kingpin's radar but he was certainly on someone's. The disappearance of Fin was indicative of that, but something else the kingpin said bothered James. He had said "Sometimes when protecting someone we love, we may end up slicing the hand of someone who also has to protect someone they love. Not all men abide by the same set of rules." James wondered who Din may have offended.

The kingpin said that the four men in the video were not from BeiHai, which meant they were dealing with someone outside their circle. James knew only one man who could possibly help him figure out who these four men were. Elder Master Sun, Gavin's father, he had connections in all of China and knew people from all the illegal circles. He hired men like this all the time to protect his shipments. James hoped he would possibly recognize at least one of them. James picked up his cell phone to call his boss, young Master Sun.

"James. Perfect timing. I need to set up a meeting with you." Gavin said in greeting.

"Boss. I am on to something. But I need a meeting with your father." James knew this would open a potential issue by involving Elder Master Sun.

"Is this regarding the reporter?" Gavin was surprised James wanted to involve his father.

"It's regarding the disappearance of Yi Din's man Fin. I made some inquiries and found the target in all this may be Yi Din. The four men that attacked Fin are not from the illegal circles of BeiHai. Your father hires men like this all the time for his shipping. I wanted to see if he recognized any of the men. That will at least point us to the right people." James was very straight forward.

Gavin mulled over what he had said. "Fine. I will set up a meeting."

Gavin hung up the phone and looked directly at Din. He was going to have to involve his father now which meant this issue was about to make large waves for both of their families. "Din, is there anyone outside of BeiHai you have seriously offended recently?" Gavin asked him point blank. Din stared at him for a moment before speaking. "I haven't taken an illegal job in several months. I've been handling the gambling hall mostly. I haven't had any issues that I can think of that would warrant someone taking my man." Din picked up that Fin's disappearance would be somehow related to his business and not related to Lily at all.

"It seems that the men involved in taking Fin were not from BeiHai. I'm going to set up a meeting with my security lead when I have a few more answers. I will be in touch." Gavin stated as he stood up like he was dismissing Din and Jae.

"What about moving Lily to your building?" Jae asked as he stood.

"As soon as Din gives me the go ahead then I will arrange to have her moved." Gavin's face was serious and calm.

"Same with the cell phone?" Jae asked, showing his only concern was for his little sister.

"Yes." Gavin said with a slight smile at Jae.

Din seemed to be thinking over something, then his face suddenly changed. "Chen Xave." Din said aloud.

"What about him?" Gavin asked.

"He's the only person my men had any contact with. The only job. I gave the order to beat him unconscious. That's the only job me or my men would have been involved with." Din explained.

Gavin's eyes opened wide. This was all related to Lily after all. Jae looked at the expression on both men's faces. "What am I missing?" he asked.

Gavin pulled the file out of his desk drawer that he had on Chen Xave. He stared at the information in front of him. One part caught his eye.

Madame Li An is his mother and only daughter of the Li family from Shanghai. A well-known family in the international shipping arenas.

"I need to look into something. I will be in touch." Gavin looked directly at Din as he spoke. Din nodded pulling on Jae's sleeve to make him leave. After Din and Jae left his office, Gavin sat down staring at the paper in front of him. Lily could be completely in danger.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2020 ⏰

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