Because She is the young Miss Yi

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Once the car arrived at the hospital Sue and Lily exited the car and the driver started to escort them inside.

"Oh.  No thank you Sir."  Lily said politely.  "We can manage from here."

The driver smiled and returned to the car.

When they got inside they were taken immediately back and several nurses and a doctor rushed in to care for her.  X-rays were ordered and she was given a mild pain killer.  The nurses were overly attentive which caused Lily and Sue to look at one another quizzically.  The doctor came back very quickly and explained that there were no fractures it was just a sprain.  He explained that she should apply the salve he was giving her and keep it bandaged for a few days.

"Thank you." Lily said quietly.

"Please don't thank me! Treating a friend of the young Master is my honor." He said with a slight bow of his head.

"Ummmm.  Excuse me?" Lily asked. "What young Master?"

Sue was grinning from ear to ear across the room.

"Oh.  Young Master Sun."  The Doctor was very matter of fact.

"I do not know a young Master Sun.  I think there is some mistake in the patients."  Lily was very confused.

"No we received a call that a young lady would be coming in momentarily with an injured wrist and that she was a friend of young Master Sun's.  We were told to treat her immediately and all expenses would be paid by him."  The doctor was very straightforward.

"Oh. Could it be there is another young lady with a hurt wrist?" Lily asked knowing it was likely to be a coincidence.

"Miss, you arrived in young Master's car.  We are not wrong in who you are." He had a strange expression on his face as he explained things to Lily.

"Well, that settles it then.  Please tell young Master Sun I said thank you."

"Oh, just one thing he did ask of us." The doctor said before he left the room.

"He wants to know your full name."  The doctor's face turned pink as he asked this.

Lily laughed out loud and Sue looked at her stunned.

"Tell young Master Sun, my name is Lily.  And not a single bit more."  She knew this was now a game.  She ordered him to stop stalking her and he played this card to get her name without having to see her personally.

The doctor smiled and left.

Sue jumped up off the chair and started yelling "I TOLD YOU!"

"Shhhhhh, Sue there are sick people around.  Hush."  Lily smiled and shook her head.

"Do you know who young Master Sun is!!!"  Sue was shaking with excitement.

"No and I don't think that I care to." Lily pursed her lips in defiance.

"He owns Sun Entertainment Group!  He is like the God of all bachelor playboys!  He's from the Sun family and ungodly wealthy! Lily!!!!! He is after you!" Sue was brimming with excitement over this.

Lily sat and considered it all.  "God of all bachelor playboys." She pondered this in her mind.

"No Thank you."  She was resolute in the fact she didn't want to be entangled with a playboy.  Her boyfriend was a possessive jealous person and she just caught him kissing another girl.  The last thing she wanted now was a professional playboy.

They walked out of the hospital to see the same driver and car waiting for them.  Lily pulled Sue aside and they walked a different path to hail a cab back to Lily's apartment.  Sue was exasperated by Lily.

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