Son, You have Done Enough

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Gavin walked out of the meeting with his own Directors and instructed them all that whatever Yi Corporation asked for they were to give them without hesitation and no price quotes. The Directors knew better than to question Gavin but they all had questions. The most prominent question was "why?" However no one dared to ask that question. Gavin emailed his head of security and asked him to put the second guy back on Lily. No matter what he was going to protect her. She was the single most important thing in his life now, even if they weren't labeled or "in a relationship." She said no women, he said no men – that was exclusive as far as he was concerned. The ten dates was just fun to him, they were as good as married as far as he was concerned.

Lily walked to the University this morning in the rain. It was more like a misty rain than a real down pour. She wore sensible shoes and carried her umbrella. Again she had that eerie feeling that someone was watching her and she kept looking over her shoulder but nothing was there. She called her friend Sue just to have someone on the phone with her while she walked.

"Do you think it's one of Gavin's men watching you?" Sue inquired.

"No. This is more like, something creepy. It just doesn't feel right."

"Well you are almost to school and you will be safe on campus. I'll talk to you until you get to the door of the building."

"Thanks! Oh hey, my brother Din is going to contact you about my family birthday party. I'm keeping it small this year. There is a lot going on and my Dad has some stress at work, so I don't want to burden anyone. But I want you to come. Besides Din says you are like an annoying little sister anyway." Lily laughed out loud.

"Din is the most annoying older brother I've ever dealt with. And you can tell him I said so. No, I'll tell him myself!" Sue said with a humph. But it was all in good humor. She truly was like a sister to all of them.

"Ok well I am at the door to my building. I'll see you at lunch!"


They both hung up and Lily headed into the building to her class.

Gavin saw the message from Yi Seok so he called him back right away.

"CEO Yi, I'm returning your call." Gavin was very business like.

"I wanted to thank you for the ad space with your media company. That was way more than necessary." Seok was truly humbled by the kindness.

"You do not have to stand on formalities and thank me." Gavin felt like he was talking to his father in law already.

"Young Master Sun, I am truly humbled, please tell me why you have gone to all this trouble for the Yi Corporation?"

"CEO Yi, I have my reasons. But please do me a favor."

"Of course!" Seok was quick to answer.

"Call me Gavin. No need to be so formal with me." Gavin smiled.

Seok was extremely confused. The young Master of the Sun family, the CEO of Sun Entertainment, the future CEO of Sun Industries was telling Yi Seok to call him Gavin. He was speechless.

"Ok, Gavin. Have we met before?" Seok had maybe seen him in passing at a business event but couldn't quite recall if they had ever actually spoken to one another.

"I'm afraid not."

"Then I am thoroughly confused by all this, and it takes a lot to confuse me." Seok said with half a laugh.

"Sir, one day, you will know why all this has happened. And I pray that you will understand my honor in doing this for you." Gavin truly felt honored to help the Yi family.

"Son, you are a god send today. And I can't thank you enough. The one who is honored is me."

Gavin's heart pounded when he heard Yi Seok call him Son. He knew that was further confirmation that he was supposed to be the Yi Son-in-law.

"Let me know if you need anything more." Gavin said after a moment.

"You have done enough."

The call ended and Gavin sat there staring at the phone hearing the word "Son" in Seok's voice replay in his head.

Lily left the University at her usual time and called Sue as soon as she stepped out of the building.

"Hey lets change things up and eat somewhere new today." Lily proposed.

"ok where to?"

"I don't know. Want to try the snack street?" Lily wasn't one to usually eat on Snack street but she felt like having something different today.

"Sounds good. I'll meet you at the gates."

Lily stood by the gates waiting on Sue. Lily's building was much closer to the outer gates than Sue's was. Lily started to feel like something was off and kept checking around her. She was about to call Sue when a hand reached out and grabbed her arm. She was so startled she screamed out loud.

"Hey Hey Hey! It's me!" It was Fin.

"oh my god Fin! You scared me, but I am so glad to see you! Why are you here?" Lily took a deep breath to calm her heart.

"Din sent me back."

"For once, I am grateful. I have been feeling off lately Fin." Lily looked around again but saw no one.

"No worries Miss Lily. I'm here now." Fin stood up taller as he spoke.

Lily patted his arm and smiled.

The three walked to Snack Street and ordered from the little food trucks. It was good food but it was greasy. Lily just wanted to wash her hands after eating. Sue liked having a big bodyguard around and teased Fin mercilessly about how big and strong he was. Fin blushed a few times but kept his cool. Sue ran off to get to her class and Lily told Fin she would meet him at the side door after class. Lily felt relieved having Fin watching her again. For once she was grateful for her overprotective brother. Although this time she suspected that Fin was really supposed to be protecting her from Gavin. The thought made her smile. Lily went to class and set her things down then immediately stepped out to use the restroom and wash her hands. As she left the bathroom she was looking down at the floor and she ran right into someone. "I am so sorry!" She said as she looked up. She was so frightened by what she saw she took two steps back immediately.

"Are you sorry? Are you really sorry?" Xave stood in front of her. The scars on his face were still healing and he looked like a monster.

"Do you have any idea how many surgeries I will have to go through to look normal again?" He sneered at her.

"I.... I..... I am sorry. I didn't know what happened to you...." Lily was stunned by his appearance.

"No. You didn't know I was beaten and left for dead in an alley? Princess Lily and her big bad brother didn't think I would live huh?" Xave was so angry he was spitting as he spoke. Partially because of the scaring but mostly from the anger and venom he spoke with.

Lily started looking around her to see if she could get to Fin quickly.

"What's the matter Princess Lily? Big Brother isn't here to save you today?" Xave took a step toward her. A glint of metal caught her eye and she realized that Xave had brass knuckles with a knife blade attached on his hand. When Xave saw what she was looking at he started laughing sinisterly.

"Figured it out now huh? I'm going to leave your face looking like mine Princess!"

Lily figured this was the best moment for her to run since she was still a few steps away from him. She took off toward the end of the corridor. Xave was much faster than she was and he grabbed her by her collar after only a few steps.

His voice was so menacing in her ear.

"You are mine and I told you that you were mine. You can't get away from me now."

Lily was incredibly frightened.

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