Your Fiancee is Asking for You

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Xave dragged her into an empty lecture hall and threw her to the ground.  She tried to crawl away from Xave but he just kept stepping toward her.  He continued to laugh menacingly like he was enjoying this game.

"Xave, this is not like you.  Stop.  You know I wouldn't have harmed you."  Lily tried to plead with him and make him understand.

"Shut up.  I saw you with the rich playboy.  I know you wanted to get rid of me to have him."

"No it wasn't like that at all.  I didn't even meet him until a week ago Xave."

"Bullshit Lily!  He was delivering gifts to you for weeks!  I'm not stupid!"

Lily swallowed hard and tried to think of a way get out of this.

"You saw some girl kiss me on a dance floor and that was your moment to dump me.  You didn't even give me a chance." 

"Xave.   You came to the club with her.  I saw you kiss her.  Don't make it sound like you were innocent."  Lily knew she shouldn't get irritated with him, but she wasn't going to let him gas light her any more.

"Shut up!" He screamed and then lunged for her. 

She tried to roll away from him but he managed to get a punch in on her ribs.  She gasped as it felt like her breath was knocked out of her. 

"Momma!" She cried out in fear.  Why she cried for her momma she didn't know, but in that moment that was who she cried out for.

Lily curled up in a fetal position and prepared to just take the hits.  She couldn't escape and she couldn't fight back.  She just laid there hoping to not die.

Xave stood above her and mocked her crying out to her momma.

"What's your dead momma going to do to save you now Princess?"

He reared back to land another blow on her when someone came running into the room and tackled Xave to the floor.  She didn't dare look back she just jumped up and ran from the room as fast as she could. It hurt for her to run.  Her side hurt so badly.  She felt like she couldn't breathe.  But she was not going to stop running.  She was going to run all the way to Fin.  That was where she needed to get to.

As she neared the door and felt she was almost there two arms wrapped around her instantly from behind and picked her up off the floor.

"AHHHHHHHHH! PUT ME DOWN! HELP!!!!!" Lily screamed with all she had.

"Shhhhhhhh, shhhhhhhh, Lily it's me."  Gavin's voiced filled her ears and she stopped struggling.  She turned her head back to see that Gavin was holding her against him. 

He gently put her down and she started instantly sobbing in fear and relief.

Gavin picked her up and pulled her to him, and Lily wrapped her arms around his neck like a small child.  He took her straight out and to his car.  Fin was dumbfounded when he saw Lily being carried by Gavin.  Fin started to challenge Gavin but Gou was standing there and the two men just nodded in understanding to one another. 

Gavin carried her into the car and held her against his body until she stopped sobbing.  When she looked up to his face her eyes and her little nose were red.  Gavin pushed her hair back from her face and kissed her forehead. 

"It's ok.  I'm not going to let anything happen to you."  Gavin pulled her close to him and Lily winced in pain.

"What's wrong? Where are you hurt?" His face looked pained as he looked her over.

"My ribs." Lily pointed to her ribs. "He hit me with the brass knuckles." She began to sob again.

"Hospital Gou!"  Gavin yelled.

Once again Lily was carried into the hospital by Gavin and this time taken straight to the VIP floor.  The doctors and nurses immediately began to assess Lily and took her for X-rays.  Gavin pulled out his cell phone and called his security team to find out what happened to Xave and if he was still a threat.  Turns out Xave was no longer a threat to anyone.  He was dead. 

"Whatever you do, do not let this come back to harm Lily or her family." Gavin said as he hung up the phone.

Din showed up to the hospital minutes later. 

"I figured your man would call you." Gavin said as Din walked up.

"What happened? Where is she?" Din looked murderous.

"Xave got to her."

"I'm going to kill him.' Din exploded in anger.

"Already taken care of." Gavin said calmly.

"How did he get to her! I had Fin with her!"

"And I had my two guys watching her too.  Seems like with all his scarring no one recognized him and he has been watching her for a few days.  He got to her in the corridor of the building.  Being a student he had access.  Luckily one of my guys was watching her and saw her leave her lecture hall to go to the bathroom.  When he didn't see her return after 10 minutes he went into the building to look for her.  He heard her voice and got into the room just as Xave was going to hit her again."

"AGAIN?"  How many times did he hit her?" Din's voice raised a few octaves as he spoke.

"I think just once.  She may have broken ribs." Gavin's face soured and he wished he could kill Xave all over again.

"I should have killed him the first time. I knew he was trouble."  Din growled.

Gavin turned his head and pretended to not hear what he said.

The two men stood there silently as they waited for the doctors to come out.

"Master Sun?" A petite female nurse came over to him.

"Yes." He replied flatly.

"Your fiancée is asking for you." Gavin jumped up and walked to the door.

Din looked at Gavin strangely.

"Is your fiancée in the hospital too?" Din asked in confusion.

"Lily is asking for me." Gavin explained plainly.

"What the hell did you just say?" Din jumped up and took quick strides to get to Gavin.

"Lily is who this young nurse is referring to." Gavin stood face to face with Din and was not going to back down. "If you don't mind I'm going to go see her now, since she's asking for me." Gavin spoke with an air of complete authority.

Din gritted his teeth and said nothing else. The nurse looked at the floor and escorted Gavin to Lily's room.

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