He's an only child

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Lily walked on her way to university again on Monday after a mostly uneventful weekend. She took her usual walks on the beach and she read a few books. Lily started a paper that was due the end of the next week, and had also eaten a few delicious meals she cooked at home. She was fairly content when life was simple like that. She chatted a few times on the phone with Sue, but found Sue was too irritating about young Master Sun. While she walked she turned several times and looked behind her to see if anyone was watching her. Lily didn't like the thought of being stalked and she just felt like someone was breathing down her neck. Of course no one was there. Just as she turned the corner to go onto campus she saw Chen Xave and his friends Yang Huang and Liu Bo walking toward her. Xave had texted her several times over the weekend but she didn't respond.

"Lily!" Xave called to her.

"Xave, I have nothing to discuss with you." Lily said emotionless.

"Lily please let me explain." He had put on his normal charm, but she saw right through it.

"Let me guess 'it's not what it seems' is it?" She said making finger quotations.

"No I didn't mean about the girl, I meant about hurting your wrist." He was going to just pretend nothing happened with the girl. Typical.

"Yes, please explain why you forcefully pulled me and sprained my wrist." She was now angry.

"Lilianna please. I wasn't trying to purposefully hurt you. I saw you had been drinking and I didn't want to see some guy take advantage of you." He sounded sincere.

Lily thought over his words and decided to just walk on to class.

"Fine." She said while she was walking away.

"Lily please!" He called out to her. Lily kept walking. She knew this was only a partial truth. The real truth was in his jealousy and possessiveness he didn't want anyone else to have her.

"She won't stay mad long." Xave said to his friends. "She never does."

Across the street a man in black Mercedes watched as Xave completely ignored his warning in the club. Gavin was seething.

"Gou, get me a report on Chen Xave as soon as we get to the office."

"Yes Sir"

At Sun Entertainment Group Gavin was sitting at his desk when Seong walked through the door of his office.

"Gavin where did you run off to Friday night?" Seong was smiling and carefree as always.

"Seong don't you have work to do?" Gavin didn't look up from his computer.

"You missed it man! I had the best time with two hotties! They were only here for the weekend and just wanted to have some fun! You should have stuck around!" Seong teased him.

"Seong I have work to do." Gavin was not playing into it today.

"As you wish. Oh real quick – the new songstress is coming by my office today. I think you should make an appearance." Seong never asked Gavin to be a part of his deals. Gavin looked up and just nodded his head.

Seong left the office and whistled as he left.

Gavin looked at the file on his desk with Chen Xave's name on it. He pushed his keyboard away and pulled the file closer to him.

Chen Xave, 22 years old

Chen family's only child

Master Chen Ho is his father and the Director of Government Affairs for the Governors office.

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